Category Archives: Iran

On Iran

Here’s what I think is going to happen: The same thing that happened several years ago, when young people across Iran protested, well, the exact same leader of their nation. The students are going to lose. Of course, I would … Continue reading

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It’s Mad Mahmoud by a whisker

Or so the Iranian state news agency says. Iran’s state news agency reported that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election Friday, but his main reformist challenger also confidently claimed victory at a news conference moments earlier. The rival claims came even … Continue reading

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Vote for Ahmadinejad—please.

I want Ahmadinejad to win today. Yes, really. Because his replacement will be worse. Why worse? Because he pretends that he doesn’t have the same goals as Ahmadinejad. Because the world media will call him a “moderate.” Because he will … Continue reading

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Dhimmitude on display

Iranian Jews are the finest example of how Jews were treated in Muslim nations during the good old days of the Caliphate. Witness: Besides their support, Mutai stressed that “ever since the revolution, the Jewish community has tried very hard … Continue reading

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Hugo helps with Iranian nukes?

According the AP, Israel has prepared a “secret” report claiming that Venezuela and Bolivia are supplying Iran with uranium for its nuclear program. The two South American countries are known to have close ties with Iran, but this is the … Continue reading

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Note to AP: Debate is not dialogue

A dialogue is a conversation between two people. A debate is an exercise in rhetoric between opposing viewpoints. But the AP apparently does not have writers or editors knowledgeable enough to tell the difference between the two, nor between a … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran | Tagged | 1 Comment

Working together

While some folks thought it was fun to tally up the points Bibi and Barack scored against one another, it appears that they actually did some things of substance. For one thing it appears that apart from Secretary of State … Continue reading

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The settlement panacea

In Upping the ante on Israel, David Ignatius notes that President Obama has asked the Arab world to start normalization with Israel. To give Israel some quick tangible benefits, the United States wants the Arabs to begin normalizing relations with … Continue reading

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Bibi – dishonestly and honestly

Scott MacLeod judges Binyamin Netanyahu based on Aaron David Miller’s memoirs. Frankly, I think his account says a lot about Miller and ex-President Clinton – and little of it good. (Nor do I think much of MacLeod who takes Miller … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

War by other means

In Mideast Contest of wills, Jackson Diehl outlines the likely priorities of both President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Contrary to what it would like Iran and the rest of the world to believe, Israel would not attack Tehran’s nuclear … Continue reading

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Jolly Roger

Roger Cohen, who has spent the last several months arguing that Iran is moderate because only 75% of its Jews chose to or were able to leave, is at it again ahead of President Obama’s meeting with Prime MInister Netanyahu. … Continue reading

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The coming confrontation?

For now I’m going to persist in my illusion that Binyamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama are not headed for a major showdown next week when they meet. Steve Rosen wrote: The commentariat and the blogs are full of predictions that … Continue reading

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Attacking Iran

Iran is supposedly preparing for an attack on its nuclear sites. Saudi daily ‘Al-Watan’ is reporting that over the past several weeks Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has deployed several mobile surface-to-air and anti-ship missile batteries in the Strait of Hormuz and … Continue reading

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Has smart diplomacy outsmarted itself?

If newspaper reports are to be believed, the United States and Israel are on a diplomatic collision course. The Obama administration has decided that “smart diplomacy” means mollifying enemies and pressuring an ally. If this is what’s happening, then it … Continue reading

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Baker’s twenty

It’s been 20 years since Secretary of State Baker delivered his notorious “Greater Israel” speech to AIPAC. Looking over the speech now, it preserves a moment in time. It doesn’t seem as shocking now as it did when he delivered. … Continue reading

Posted in Bidenisms, Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 1 Comment