Category Archives: Iran

The man with the silver tongue and the myth of moderation

I’m tempted to say about Roger Cohen that the less said about him that better, but quite a few people have written excellent ripostes to his latest venality that are worth checking out. In Roger Cohen’s world, the extremists in … Continue reading

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Hezbullah in Egypt: Not there for the resorts

Hezbullah planned multiple attacks on Israeli and Egyptian targets. According to the report, Shihab gave “earth-shattering confessions” during his investigation. Shihab reportedly admitted that the organization’s goal was to carry out attacks in Egypt, and not to aid Hamas in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Roger Cohen: Dumb, stupid, or all three?

My brother used to have a very snarky question as a teenager: Are you dumb, stupid, or all three? I find that it still has its uses, especially when discussing the New York Times’ anti-Israel golden boy’s latest column. First … Continue reading

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Who struck the mighty convoy?

Sudan is alleging that another country struck a convoy. According to the Washington Post, “foreign” planes, suspected to be American or Israeli killed hundreds of people. Mubarak Mabrook Saleem, Sudan’s transportation minister, told the Associated Press he believed American planes … Continue reading

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For want of a press card

I know that there are those who claim that Iran is misunderstood. The case of Roxana Saberi though is instructive. Iran’s PressTV first reported on her arrest on March 4. Saberi had told her father in a phone call February … Continue reading

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The bloggers’ message

Earlier I wrote about President Obama’s outreach to Iran and lamented the fact that he didn’t mention the imprisonment of Roxana Saberi in his Nowruz message to the Iranian regime. Bret Stephens mentions a parallel concern in Will Obama listen … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Iran | Tagged | 2 Comments

Breaking the ice with Iran

During the campaign Michael Totten wrote about why Barack Obama’s pledge to renew relations with Iran wouldn’t amount to anything. Withdrawing all U.S. forces from the Middle East likewise is not going to happen. Obama may want to bug out … Continue reading

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Obama reaches out to Iran with stump speech

President Obama probably figures what the heck, stump speeches worked on enough suckers to get elected the most inexperienced candidate in the history of America, so why not try the same tactics on the Iranians. I don’t think they’re going … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The One | 4 Comments

Banality of a weasel

I suppose I should be generous to Roger Cohen. According to Roger Simon, Cohen flew out to LA on his own initiative – and dime – in order to defend his defense of the Iranian regime. But Simon writes that … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jew Cooties, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | Tagged | Comments Off on Banality of a weasel

The other Iranian moderate

I have chosen this headline, since I have already posted on one such moderate in Hashemi Rafsanjani – a moderate murderer. The man who is much on the agenda these days, mainly as a moderate alternative to Mahmoud the Mad … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

Roger Cohen: Straw man simplicity

Soccer Dad and Snoopy have both had their shots at Roger Cohen’s unbelievably naive column that claims that Iranian Jews are free. Now it’s my turn to reply to his response. The indignation stems from my recent column on Iranian … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Iran, the Jews and Roger Cohen

This is a slight modification of the NYT headline Iran, the Jews and Germany, an article by Roger Cohen. In that article Roger Cohen, NYT op-ed columnist, tries to answer his many critics regarding his series of apologetic articles on … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Media Bias | 2 Comments

The Iranian puppetmaster speaks

We love to demonize Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, mostly because he’s a truly reprehensible Jew-hater. But sometimes the liberal media likes to point out that Ahmadinejad doesn’t really have the power in Iran, and he’s not speaking for the Mullahs. Well, Supreme … Continue reading

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Iran’s terror conference: Well populated by Israel’s enemies

While a summit on Gaza was being held in Sharm al-Sheik, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad held his own summit, replete with terrorists, child murderers, and—legitimate representatives of Egypt. Good to know that peace treaty is holding up so well. Also, rumor has … Continue reading

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Iran and Hamas: Like ham and eggs

Yes, a treyf (haram!) reference for the Islamist terror twins. “Hamas’ strategic objective is to seize control of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Palestinian Liberation Organization,” he said. “This remains Hamas’ vision – to take control over the PA … Continue reading

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