Category Archives: Iran

The credulous cohen, the more moderate mahmoud and the technical threat

Nichaols Kristof and Roger Cohen are the two most extreme anti-Israel columnists for the New York Times. For the past couple of weeks, Cohen has been distinguishing himself by writing propaganda for the murderous Iranian regime. Today he takes his … Continue reading

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Diplomatic follies

The Guardian’s Ian Black inteviewed the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s strongman ready to woo Obama with both fists unclenched. There is some obvious silliness in the interview: Intriguingly, he says, in one of ­several thoughtful asides: “You can’t … Continue reading

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A high degree of confidence

In late 2007 the United States intelligence agencies issue a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that Iran had stopped seeking to build a nuclear weapon. In a column The myth of the Mad Mullahs, David Ignatius wrote that the most important … Continue reading

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Some cease fire: Rockets in Ashkelon, mortars in southern Israel

How many rockets have to land in Israel before the “cease fire” is recognized for what it is: A return to the status quo, which is Hamas firing rockets and mortars at Israel, and Israel responding with pinprick strikes that … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran | 1 Comment

Apologist for the mullahs

Roger Cohen has made his distaste for Israel known time and again. But what country does he show understanding towards? Iran is one. In The other Iran, Cohen engages in apologies for the current leadership of Iran. For example Cohen … Continue reading

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The irony of change

I don’t have many arguments with Roger Cohen’s latest column, After the War on Terror. He’s correct that the President’s interview on Al Arabiya marks the end of the war on terror; that words are important and that President Obama … Continue reading

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Declaring victory from a rat hole

In Parsing Gains of the Gaza War, Ethan Bronner writes: Halima Dardouna, 37, from the northern city of Jabaliya, whose house was destroyed by an Israeli shell, said both Fatah and Hamas were to blame because of their rivalry, “and … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

The siren song of Syria and Iran

Charles Krauthammer (or here) sees that President Bush’s vindication starts on January 20. President-elect Obama seems to be accepting a number of premises of the Bush administration and appears ready to incorporate them into his administration. Vindication is being expressed … Continue reading

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Iranian ship turned back by Israel and Egypt

The Israelis turned back an enemy nation’s ship from entering Gaza. Watch this get spun as an anti-humanitarian move by Israel. An Iranian aid ship tried to break the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for the second time Wednesday. … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Iran | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Iranians pulling Hamas strings

The news you read about Israel always seems to be missing a vital component: The major force behind Hamas is Iran, and Hamas takes its orders from Iran. When the media does mention Iran, it always downplays the Iranian role … Continue reading

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70,000 Iranian suicide bombers: Duck, Israel!

You know those 70,000 Iranians who signed up to become suicide bombers in Israel? First it’s on. Then it’s off. Then it’s on again. You know what I say? Every time Iran does this—and they do it every time there’s … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Diehling with Iran

The Washington Post has dueling op-eds about Israel’s war against Hamas. Jackson Diehl predictably tells Israel that it’s on the wrong path in Hard Lesson for Israel. Charles Krauthammer disagrees. Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip is failing, but … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 4 Comments

Is the price of oil keeping Hezbullah peaceful?

Oil is sticking around $40 a barrel (it closed at $39 and change today). Iran is in trouble. Iran’s president presented parliament with a sweeping economic package Tuesday that calls for scrapping costly state subsidies for fuel, water and electricity … Continue reading

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Iran creates “war crimes” court for world to ignore

You know, sometimes I think the Iranians are just media whores. Why else would he do something this stupid? Iran has set up a court to try Israelis for its air attacks on Gaza and is ready to try in … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 5 Comments

Covering for Iran

There is no kind way to describe today’s Washington Post editorial Israel Strikes with a subtitle: Hamas suffers a serious blow — but the real winner may be Iran. ISRAEL’S AIR offensive against the Gaza Strip yesterday should not have … Continue reading

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