Category Archives: Iran

In your face, ayatollahs

We’ve been hearing the enemies of America cheering our financial crisis and calling it a punishment from above (or at least, from their version of above, not mine). Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gloated recently that the United States is paying … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 2 Comments

Iranians break up fowl spy ring

The Iranians have captured members of a spy ring that can go anywhere, and see anything, from the air: Pigeons. Iranian media reported on Monday that security forces had seized two ‘spy pigeons’ near the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz … Continue reading

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Inviting a crisis

Michael Kinsley said that a gaffe is when a politician speaks the truth. If that’s so, I suppose Sen. Biden’s recent statement about there being an international crisis withing six months of Sen. Obama’s election as president would qualify as … Continue reading

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Building the terrorists’ confidence

A possible smuggling tunnel was just discovered under the city of Hebron. Explosives from that tunnel were removed by the PA police who then alerted Israeli officials. That makes it the perfect time to give the PA even more control … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Abbas the messenger boy?

Both the Hashmonean and Shira Bat Sarah noted this story in comments. The first mention was in Ha’aretz: U.S. President George W. Bush has apparently offered his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad, to press Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights … Continue reading

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The famous Muslim “tolerance”: Death to apostates

Say, that famous Muslim tolerance of other faiths we’ve heard so much about? I’m thinking someone’s not being quite truthful. A month ago, the Iranian parliament voted in favour of a draft bill, entitled “Islamic Penal Code”, which would codify … Continue reading

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A bazaar protest

Don Surber observes: … dictators are lousy economists Case in point: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In an interview a few weeks ago with the New York Times, he assured the interviwer, Neil MacFarqhar that Iran’s economy was in fine shape. NYT: I’ve … Continue reading

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Iran’s “reformist” candidate: More of the same

The former speaker of the Iranian parliament has announced his candidacy for president of Iran. You’ll be told he’s a “reformist” who will bring a new viewpoint and attitude to the office. Don’t believe it. The “reformist” candidate—who owes his … Continue reading

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Gas prices: WAY below $3 a gallon

Gas prices in Richmond have fallen as low as $2.69. Crude oil ended the week at less than $80 a barrel. Iran is freaking. Iran on Saturday called for stability in the oil market, saying the biggest challenge now was … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Life | Tagged | 8 Comments

The Russians are building Iranian nukes

Why is this story not getting wider play? International nuclear inspectors have begun investigating whether a Russian scientist helped Iran conduct complex experiments on how to detonate a nuclear weapon, according to European and American officials. As part of the … Continue reading

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Fooling with tools

Sen. Obama from the debate Tuesday night. I don’t understand how we ended up invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, while Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are setting up base camps and safe havens to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Olmert to Russians: Please don’t sell weapons to our enemies

Olmert is going to beg the Russians to stop doing what they’ve done for, oh, fifty, sixty years now: Sell weapons to Israel’s enemies. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, traveling to Russia this week on one of his last diplomatic missions, … Continue reading

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The Iranians: Gasoline addicts without refinement

Further to my post of Friday about the falling price of oil: Iran is really starting to sweat the price of oil. Iran’s Oil Minister said Saturday that it would be “unsuitable” for both producers and consumers for oil to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | Tagged | 5 Comments

A ray of light in the economic slump

Oil continues its fall. It’s under $94 a barrel right now, and holding steady. Gas is down to $3.19 in the Richmond area, and sinking. ( is a good place to find the cheapest gas prices in your area. It’s … Continue reading

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Serious about Syria?

CNN reports: The United States and Syria held a series of meetings this week, signaling a possible thaw between the two countries as the former seeks to peel the latter from its close ties with Iran. No further meetings are … Continue reading

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