Category Archives: Iran

Mahmoud’s awesome, very good week

So a party that advocates the lifting of restrictions of Nazi symbols has won a significant victory in Austrian elections. (h/t LGF) No doubt Austria will now be shunned internationally – and rightly so – just as it was a … Continue reading

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Words of war from Iran

The AP is broadcasting only half of Iran’s ruler, Ayatollah Khameini, in this short wire service story that, unsurprisingly, is not being picked up and distributed widely. At least, not as widely as the AP’s Rosh Hashanah story, which can’t … Continue reading

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American troops on Israeli soil

There is now a permanent American presence in Israel dedicated to keeping an eye on Iranian missile launches. The U.S. Army’s European Command deployed an early-warning radar system in Israel last week along with a 120-member support team, the weekly … Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad: Redefining Jews and Zionism

Mad Mahmoud told his dinner of religious fools leaders yesterday that Zionism—the establishment and maintenance of a state for the Jewish people—has nothing to do with the Jewish people. Ahmadinejad rejected accusations he was anti-Semitic, saying his criticism was aimed … Continue reading

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Accepting Mahmoud

The MSM and world have been rather silent about Ahmadinejad’s anti-semitism. Some tools even thought to take a picture with him, as if he were some cuddly celebrity, not a madman with designs on genocide. Or even really bad on … Continue reading

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The echoing silence of the world on Iranian Jew-hatred

The president of Iran stands in front of the world body whose charter calls for peace among nations and blames Jews for causing wars, working against world peace, worshipping only money, having no god—and the silence of the response is … Continue reading

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The protocols of the unlearned president of Iran

Yesterday, the President of Iran gave a speech to the United Nations that was, of course, widely quoted in the wire services and mainstream media. However, the words below were not widely quoted by the wire services, particularly not the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Bad faiths

In his J-Street primer for American audiences (an op-ed in the Washington Post), J-Street’s founder, Jeremy Ben Ami wrote: Grateful as I am for decades of U.S. friendship with Israel, I have to wonder, as the state my father helped … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Protesting Dinner With Mahmoud

Religious leaders who think that breaking bread with a man who has called for the destruction of Israel not once, not twice, but many times; a man who is perfectly comfortable with the tyranny that is Iran; a man who … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

The connection betweeen J-street and the Obama campaign

One name: Alan Solomont. I posted a comment about him at LGF. There’s suspicion among some observers that the National Jewish Democratic Council was a significant player in the decision to cancel invitations to all politicians to speak at the … Continue reading

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Democrats threaten to kneecap Jewish nonprofits

Why is it, exactly, that so many Jews are Democrats? That’s right. Because Democrats are the champions of liberal, social causes. They’re against tyranny and all for liberty, freedom, and especially, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. But heaven … Continue reading

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Diss-inviting Palin

I don’t know how many times I read at the NJDC website that support for Israel is bipartisan. But that’s been the mantra there. If anyone had temerity to criticize Democrats for their lack of commitment on Israel, that’s the … Continue reading

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Last week JTA’s Telegraph noted: Ha’aretz has some details on some of the weapons it says the U.S. government denied Israel out of fear they’d be used to attack Iran. They include bunker-buster bombs, permission to use an air corridor … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitism on display

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad manages to make yet another anti-Semitic remark while pretending that he has nothing against the Jews. Iran’s official news website reported that the Iranian president called Haniyeh on the occasion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and … Continue reading

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Biden time?

Joe Biden finds himself in middle of a kerfuffle with the Israelis. Ha’aretz has reported that Biden told Israeli leaders that it would have to get used to a nuclear Iran. Hot Air has more, including the possibility that this … Continue reading

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