Category Archives: Iran

Biden to Israel: Suck it up, Iran’s going nuclear

It’s an unsourced report, which makes it eminently deniable, and I don’t want to believe it’s true. But it’s big enough that you need to read about this. (H/T: Ed Morrisey.) According to this report, Biden told Israel that the … Continue reading

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Israel to Europe: Shame about those Iranian investments

Israel has evidently decided that she is alone on the world stage. Actually, she’s always known it, but not it’s been codified: Israel will not agree to allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and if the grains start running out … Continue reading

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Micheline Calmy-Rey and Osama Bin Laden

“Swiss FM would talk to bin Laden“, the headline says. But don’t get your knickers twisted, there is a purpose to this: Switzerland’s foreign minister told top diplomats on Monday she favours direct talks with Osama Bin Laden to tackle … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 2 Comments

But don’t call it anti-Semitism

Okay, so the Arab/Muslim conflict isn’t with Jews. It’s with Israel. Their proponents tell us so all the time, as do the media. So perhaps someone can explain to me how this relates to anti-Zionism: Agents of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard … Continue reading

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More on the Iranian air threat

I told you the Iranians were lying when they announced that they could launch an air strike team on Israel. (H/T: Mike) Fact is, the Iranian Air Force–or more correctly, Iran’s two Air Forces have serious training, equipment, airspace and … Continue reading

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A suggestion for Israel

Iran is launching a satellite, they say. I say Israel should shoot it down. Just a thought.

Posted in Iran, Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Iranian hatred: It’s not just the Zionism

An Iranian minister made the mistake of declaring that he didn’t hate Israel. He’s about to lose his job because of it. More than 200 Iranian parliament members slammed Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashai for stating that Iranians are ‘friends … Continue reading

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Iran and it allies *heart* Sudan

Last week I noted that Hamas and Hezbollah, both proxies of Iran, support the genocidal regime of Sudan. Writing in the Weekly Standard, Jonathan Schanzer gives the history behind the relationship. It started with: The story begins in1989, when an … Continue reading

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Such good friends

Without a trace of irony the NYT reports: An Iranian vice president said in rare comments that Iran was a friend of Israeli people, newspapers reported on Monday. “I say for a thousandth time that we are a friend of … Continue reading

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The Russians are not our friends

Russia is not only arming Iran, and not only investing heavily in Iran, but also trying to make sure that the West can’t take out Iran’s nuclear sites. Iran is set to receive an advanced Russian-made anti-aircraft system by year-end … Continue reading

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Pat Buchanan, neo-Nazi

Yes, he’s totally out of the closet. Now he’s accusing American Jews of being “Fifth columnists.” Gee, it’s like he’s not even trying to pretend he’s not an anti-Semite anymore. Because what’s the downside? When has anyone ever lost a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment

Will the barn door be closed in time?

John Bolton on Iran: Between Iran and its long-sought objective, however, a shadow may fall: targeted military action, either Israeli or American. Yes, Iran cannot deliver a nuclear weapon on target today, and perhaps not for several years. Estimates vary … Continue reading

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Before you quote Uzi Mahnaimi, read this

The Sunday Times is publishing proven fantasist Uzi Mahnaimi on yet another unsourced, headline-grabbing Israel story. This time, he says George Bush gave Israel the go-ahead to attack Iran. But don’t rush to reprint this story on your blog. The … Continue reading

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Israel: cancelled

Those moderate voices from Iran continue to reverberate throughout the world: Iranian calls for the destruction of Israel are almost routine these days. But for a former official of the Islamic Republic to call for the destruction of the Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Booting Hersh

Last week, Cheat Seeking Missiles went after Seymour Hersh for an recently written “expose” in the New Yorker. What troubled me is that CSM took everything Hersh wrote at face value. Hersh cherry picks some stuff, confuses some stuff, makes … Continue reading

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