Category Archives: Iran

It’s “beat the war drums” Sunday in the British press

Add the Guardian to the list of Sunday papers that are featuring heavily the Israel/Iran issue. It apparently took four authors to slam Israel with the typical canards. And while some of the messages amount to signalling, to warn Iran … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Times of London: Israel war games a dress rehearsal

The Times of London found someone who is not proven liar Uzi Mahnaimi to get an Israeli official to say that Israel is going to attack Iran. Israeli aircraft have conducted a long-range mission designed to prepare for a possible … Continue reading

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The whole shebaa-ng

Back in February, 2002, Thomas Friedman trumpeted the Saudi “peace plan” as proposed by then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah: Earlier this month, I wrote a column suggesting that the 22 members of the Arab League, at their summit in Beirut … Continue reading

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Hamas handed victory

Griffe Witte reports in the Washington Post, As Israeli Siege Strangles Gaza Strip, Hamas, Smugglers Profit Off Tunnels.Despite the title, and some silliness in the beginning the article is, overall, rather informative. For all the talk of the “strangling” of … Continue reading

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Betting with buffett

In People vs. Dinosaurs Thomas Friedman shows some surprising optimism about Israel. Question: What do America’s premier investor, Warren Buffett, and Iran’s toxic president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have in common? Answer: They’ve both made a bet about Israel’s future. Ahmadinejad declared … Continue reading

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One teeny, tiny issue keeps Syria from the Golan

A source says that Israel and Syria agree on 85% of the issues they need to agree on to give Syria back the Golan. What’s part of that 15%? Well, besides Syria trying to grab land it never had to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

The Syria-Iran axis

Syria has no intention of giving up ties with Iran, no intention of giving up support of terrorist groups in and out of the Palestinian terrortories[sic], and therefore, no intention of the much-touted “land for peace” solution to the Golan … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments


Things for you to look at this weekend, which is a three-day weekend for us ‘Murricans. Toldja so: Syria wants the Golan, not peace. A Syrian government paper rejects Israel’s demand that Damascus should cut its ties with Iran and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Syria | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Israel’s five major threats

Ha’aretz interviewed director of Military Intelligence Major General Amos Yadlin. Here are his thoughts on the threats Israel faces: According to Yadlin, Israel faces five threats: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The intelligence picture that Israel has about … Continue reading

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Mofaz warns world of the Second Holocaust

On the eve of Yom HaShoah, the day that Jews worldwide remember the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust while most of the world stood by or actively aided the Nazis, Israel’s Shaul Mofaz spoke at Yale yesterday of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 1 Comment

Stupid Iranian statement of the day

Just when you think that Iranian spokesliars can’t get any dumber, they do. American officials follow the policy of Iranophobia,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini told reporters in a weekly news conference. Apparently, Baghdad Bob was not a one-off … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments


Remember how smug, insufferable, know-it-all David Ignatius informed us that the NIE showed that our policies towards Iran were all wrong? Here’s how he put it in a Post-Global forum: Sometimes events create space for diplomacy where none existed before. … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Iran, Israel, Jews | 1 Comment

Proof of Syrian nukes

Israel and the U.S. are going to release details of what was struck in the Syrian desert. You know, that innocent little country that said it was, hm, a warehouse. Israel and the United States are coordinating the release of … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Time to target Tehran

I think there’s a better way to stop Hamas from firing missiles into Israel. Israel should start firing missiles into Tehran. There is ample proof that Iran is at war with Israel. Hamas and Hezbullah openly admit they sends their … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

Saddam’s threat to the west

I had missed this article, Saddam collected information on dozens of potential targets in Israel. Saddam Hussein’s intelligence service collected information on dozens of sites in Israel, including airports, other transportation centers, as well as scientific and religious centers that … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Terrorism | 7 Comments