Category Archives: Iran

Iranians threatening U.S. ships

Looks like the Iranians put on their big boy pants again. In what is being called a serious provocation, Iranian Revolutionary Guard boats harassed and provoked three U.S. Navy ships in the strategic Strait of Hormuz, officials said Monday. U.S. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 9 Comments

Iranian propaganda: Pwned by spoof site

If you haven’t been following this story, it’s pretty funny. Dear Iranian Mullahs! While our satirical website and your Propaganda Directorate deal in the same trade of making up facts and exaggerating reality, we are different in that we can … Continue reading

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Iran away

The largest group – since the time of Shah – of Jews from Iran just arrived in Israel. Ha’aretz reports: A group of 40 new immigrants from Iran touched down at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Tuesday, the largest since the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 1 Comment

A threat from the south?

via memeorandum According to an Argentinian prosecutor Iran was involved in the attacks on Jewish targets in Argentina. Dr. Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor who has secured Interpol backing for the arrests of several leaders in Teheran, including former president Hashemi … Continue reading

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Losing while winning

Israel just released its own version of a national intelligence estimate, it is a post-mortem of last year’s war with Hezbollah. First the good news: It is clear that Hizbollah’s balance statement at the end of the fighting was mixed. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

Syria and Iran: 2gether 4ever

Syria and Iran are going to stay bestest buddies like, forever! Syrian President Bashar Assad rejected claims that Syria’s alliance with Iran had been weakened by Damascus’ participation in last month’s US-sponsored Mideast peace conference, saying Thursday that the two … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Syria | 2 Comments

Conversations with Tehran

The Washington Post demonstrates that its editors possess a sophistication that is absent among the editors of the New York Times with Intelligence on Iran. After noting the positive implications of the 2007 NIE, the editors write ” Tehran at … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 1 Comment

Fuzzy intelligence

The latest NIE reports that Iran has halted its nuclear weapons development and is likely a number of years away from being able to field a nuclear weapon. This estimate is being hailed because it takes the urgency of an … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 7 Comments

Annapolis vs. Iran

Michael Oren sees good coming from Annapolis if you’re not looking for peace in Middle East peace through Anxiety After arguing that the conditions for peace don’t exist (or aren’t that strong) Oren writes The inability of the international community … Continue reading

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The Guardian fails U.S. Civics 101

In an article on Mad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s offer to be an “observer” (H/T: Hot Air) in the 2008 presidential elections, Robert Tait of the Guardian—and his many layers of fact-checkers and editors—missed a vital fact of the American presidency. How … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Politics | 3 Comments

Another take on nuclear Iran

Jonathan Spyer in his article An Increasing Possibility: It is not only the scenario of an Iranian nuclear attack that is focusing concerns. Rather, there is concern that a nuclear Iran would use the “immunity” purchased by a nuclear capability … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Rafsanjani the “moderate” – not wanted by Interpol

The mills of international law grind slowly, if they grind at all. Thirteen years after the bombing of the Jewish center in Buenos Aires in which 85 people were killed, Interpol makes its first move. Despite heavy diplomatic pressure from … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Waiting for …?

The media is on a campaign to whitewash the Iranian nuclear program. Jonathan Landay of the McClatchy newspapers reports Experts: No evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program. The headline says one thing, but the article says something else. There are … Continue reading

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Iran war preparations continue

President Bush is preparing for the failure of sanctions against Iran. I think he really means it when he says that Iran will not be allowed to produce nuclear weapons. The US is secretly upgrading special stealth bomber hangars on … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 6 Comments

Spoiling for a fight

According to the NY Times the United States is prepared to declare the Quds unit of Iran’s Revolutionary guards a terrorist organization. The administration also plans to accuse the entire Revolutionary Guard Corps of proliferating weapons of mass destruction, the … Continue reading

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