Category Archives: Iran

Putin in Iran: assassination looming?

The rumor spreads through the media like a bushfire. To start with, a somewhat ridiculous item in CNN: Russian President Vladimir Putin has been told about a plot to assassinate him during a visit to Iran this week, a Kremlin … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Rafsanjani: Jews were pain in the neck

It appears that the master of Iranian stand-up comedy, Mahmoud Ahmydinnerjacket, has a serious problem with his ex-competitor for the post, the “moderate” Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. They disagree on a key point in Mahmoud’s world vision. While Mahmoud is a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 1 Comment

Ahmadinejad in Christian lovefest

Score another propaganda victory for Mad Mahmoud. He sat down with a group of religious leaders—minus, I’m proud to say, a single Jewish religious leader—and lied, denied, and redirected the questions asked of him. But now he gets to brag … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | 10 Comments

Ahmadinejad: REALLY afraid of a girl

Karnit Goldwasser gives more details of her meeting with Mad Mahmoud: “During the questions we made eye contact, we looked at each other more than once. The look on his face changed the moment he realized who was facing him … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Ahmadinejad inspires Brooklyn anti-Semites

The night of the Iranian president’s speech at Columbia, 18 acts of anti-Semitic vandalism occurred in Brooklyn Heights. Police were out in full force in Brooklyn Heights Tuesday after an overnight wave of anti-Semitic graffiti was discovered in the tony … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 4 Comments

Ahmadinejad is afraid of a girl

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who says he is for peace, against war, and loves all people, deliberately snubbed Karnit Goldwasser, whose husband Ehud was kidnapped last year by Hezbollah. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refused to address an Israeli woman who asked him … Continue reading

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Weighing the aftermath of Ahmadinejad’s Columbia speech

I am beginning to think that the positive propaganda moments that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were looking for are being outweighed by the negatives. When the AP leads with this: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad defended Holocaust revisionists and raised questions about who … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 14 Comments

Ahmadinejad: Lie, deny, and redirect the question

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did not respond fully to a single question asked by either the National Press Club, or anyone at Columbia. In fact, he actually answered a question on why Iran is executing homosexuals by declaring that there are no … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

Live from the BBC today at 1:30 p.m.

I’ll be a guest on the World Have Your Say BBC radio programme (using BBC spelling in honour of BBC programme, must stop now). The topic: Should Ahmadinejad be allowed to lay a wreath at Ground Zero. The show starts … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 11 Comments

Uzi Mahnaimi and his misinformation

The stories about Israel hitting a Syrian/Korean nuclear facility have been coming fast and furious, and the most sensational are the ones in the London Times, penned by our old pal Uzi Mahnaimi. I would like to refresh your memory … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 4 Comments

Ahmadinejad: “Israel is not a nation”

I think this puts paid the deniers who say that Mad Mahmoud doesn’t want Israel destroyed. PELLEY: Mr. President, you say you love all nations. I have to assume that includes the Nation of Israel. AHMADINEJAD: Israel is not a … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 2 Comments

Free speech for me, but not for thee

On the even of the Iranian president’s visit to America, where he intends to take full advantage of our freedom of speech, an Iranian news website that criticizes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been shut down. Tehran – The Iranian judiciary has … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 1 Comment

A big hole in the desert (and in the story)

It’s been a bit disquieting to read the newspapers lately. Something big is possibly happening and little if any reporting is being done about it. Until yesterday. Yesterday’s Washington Post ran an editorial Shock Waves from Syria: Media accounts are … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media, Syria | 4 Comments

Talking to Mahmoud: Waste of time

Columbia University’s president, Lee Bollinger, says that we should allow Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a chance to speak. He’s going to ask the tough questions, he says, and force Ahmadinejad to answer them. The event will be part of the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 3 Comments

Jimmy Carter: Iran is no threat to Israel

Well, that’s great news. Israel can forget about incidents like this one in Syria, with Iranian engineers. Israel can also forget about Iranian-funded Hezbollah missiles. Jimmy Carter has spoken. Former President Jimmy Carter said that he does not think Iran … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 11 Comments