Category Archives: Iran

1 to 600 ratio

1 to 600 would be the ratio of Israeli missiles to Iranian missiles needed to win a war between the two. Iran says it has 600 Shihab-3 missiles aimed and primed to hit Israel if either Iran or Syria is … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

A Holocaust tale, 1

Hey there, Andrew Sullivan readers. This story is turning out to be bogus. Read to the end of this post. And check out the main page while you’re here. Iran is running a TV series about the Iranian ambassadors in … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Iran | 9 Comments

Khameini admits Iran is fighting in Iraq

The leader of Iran out-and-out admitted that Iran is fighting American troops in Iraq. It’s near the end of the AP story about how he says Bush is going to be put on trial for war crimes someday. Here’s the … Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad calls for Israel’s end

Say, remember the dog-and-pony show that academics and other anti-Israel “experts” trotted out when Ahmadinejad said that Israel would be wiped off the map? Whatever this quotation from a decades-old speech of Khomeini may have meant, Ahmadinejad did not say … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel | 13 Comments

Ahmadinejad: Real-life Looney Tune

Our pal Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would probably be living in a rubber room had he been born in the U.S. Here’s a sample of his latest nuttiness: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sought to justify his confidence the United States will … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 3 Comments

Ahmadinejad and the Zionist conspiracy

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has gone into wholehearted ZOG mode. (That’s Zionist Occupation Government, a favorite term of the world’s Jew-haters used on all of the Stormfront-style message boards). The setting: A Swedish artist drew a cartoon of a dog with Mohammed’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 18 Comments

Iran catches up to the Middle Ages

Iran is now arresting children for listening to “satanic” music. Way to join the 21st century, Mullacracy! Iran arrested more than 200 music fans at an underground rock concert that one official called a “satanic” gathering and authorities accused the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Religion | 5 Comments

No way this doesn’t end badly

President Bush is proposing a multibillion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other Gulf States. The sales include JDAMs and other advanced weaponry that can seriously harm Israel’s current advantage against the Muslim world. Other salves to Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | 6 Comments

The Iranian proxy war continues

So, why exactly would the Iranians need Hebrew speakers? Because they’re recruiting Palestinians who can speak and read Hebrew. The Iranian regime needs Hebrew speakers to work as translators, intelligence agents and as part of its propaganda machine against Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran | 4 Comments

The upcoming Mideast war

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a trip to Syria and met up with the local bad boys, promising death and destruction for Israel in America in, of course, vaguely-worded terms that the Juan Coles of the world will use to say he … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Syria | 1 Comment

al-Guardian shows its true colors

The Iranian press issues propaganda statements on a daily basis. I read them when they come across my radar, or when I want to see what’s going on in the official version of “truth” in Iran. But I don’t believe … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Jews, Media Bias | 6 Comments

Iranians look like total schmucks

This is absolutely precious. In an attempt to smear the U.S., an Iranian editor used a picture of Avigdor Lieberman as a “Muslim” being discriminated against by the U.S. Is Avigdor Lieberman a “good Muslim”? An Iranian newspaper apparently thought … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Muslim ERA Watch: AP buys Iran BS

The AP ran a nice little fluff piece about how the Mad Mullah might accept some moves forward for women in Iran. Of course it’s all crap, but the AP never lets the facts get in the way of pretending … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Feminism, Iran | 1 Comment

Things that make you go hmmm

We interrupt your boring weekend with this piece of news: The Israel Air Force has significantly upgraded the level of its cooperation with the United States Air Force and now receives regular updates on American procurement decisions, The Jerusalem Post … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel | 4 Comments

Salman Rushdie knighted, Iran insulted

I have to say, this made me smile. Iran on Sunday condemned Britain’s decision to knight Salman Rushdie, the author who was forced into hiding for a decade after the leader of the Iranian revolution ordered his assassination. Iran Foreign … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, The Catmage Chronicles | 7 Comments