Category Archives: Iran

Sunday news roundup

Mittmentum! The NBC/WSJ poll shows that the presidential race is now a tie. Can it be? Will we truly be ridding ourselves of the worst. president. ever? Hey, he’s directly responsible for my being put from full-time with benefits to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Middle East, Politics, Turkey, United Nations | 1 Comment

Tuesday, briefly

Can you say “projection”? I knew you could: The Mad Mullah-in-chief of Iran is accusing the EU of being stuck in the 19th century. Of course, the proper response to that is, “Nyah-nyah, that’s 12 centuries ahead of you!” And … Continue reading

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10/11/12 briefs

Hypocrisy, thy name is Erdogan: So, Turkey gets shelled by Syria, and then Turkey shells Syria–not unlike what Israel does to Gaza. Now, Turkey has forced down a Syrian airliner that it suspected was carrying weapons–not unlike Israel refusing to … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey | Comments Off on 10/11/12 briefs

You can’t spin this threat, Iranian apologists

Every time a moron like Juan Cole insists that the Iranians don’t want to destroy Israel, out comes something like this. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is not after aggression against any country but our response to any aggression will … Continue reading

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Spinning Iran: Lalala, we can’t HEAR you!

It never ceases to amaze me how credulous the mainstream media sources are when it comes to news reporting on Iran. Here’s what the AFP has to say about Iran and Argentina making nice at the UN session this week, … Continue reading

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Fraternizing with the enemy

No one out there can say that Iran is a friend or ally of the United States. You would think that would stop Americans from giving him the soapbox he so desperately craves to bash the United States and Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, The One | Comments Off on Fraternizing with the enemy

I told you so: The U.S. is not abandoning Israel

Told you my bullshit detector was pegged on high over yesterday’s report that claimed if Iran didn’t attack U.S. installations, we’d stand by as they retaliated if Israel bombed their nuke sites. Reuters reports today that I was right. “It’s … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Iran, Israel, Middle East | 9 Comments

Tuesday civility briefs

Say, remember all that talk from the left about civility? Yeah, that’s why the head of California’s Democratic party called Paul Ryan a Nazi. Ryan told “a bold-faced lie and he doesn’t care that it was a lie. That was … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Iran, Lebanon, Middle East, Politics, Religion | Comments Off on Tuesday civility briefs

Labor Day Monday news roundup

Muslim ERA watch: So, those moderate Muslim Brotherhood guys who are now running Egypt? They’re so, so moderate that Egypt’s state news anchorwoman now has to wear a hijab. You gotta love the explanation: But new Islamist Information Minister Salah … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Iran, Israel, Middle East | 2 Comments

Friday boy am I tired briefs

More rockets in Sderot, more yawns from the world: Rockets hit a home in Sderot today. Thankfully, no one was hurt. The AP barely notices it. But the news article (as well as the AFP) doesn’t note a single, extremely … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Iran, Media Bias, Middle East, United Nations | Comments Off on Friday boy am I tired briefs

The I Can’t Leave Yet Briefs

The difference between Israel and the Palestinians: Israel prosecutes its lynchers, rather than idolizing them. While we’re on the subject, find me one Palestinian who has criticized suicide bombings for the evil acts that they are. One. Just one. Meantime, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism, United Nations | Comments Off on The I Can’t Leave Yet Briefs

Wednesday briefs

Seriously? You’re quoting DEBKA and expecting me to take you seriously? So much for Arutz Sheva news ever being taken seriously by me anymore. The second you quote DEBKA, you have lost all credibility. Our enemy, Iran: The EU refuses … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | 10 Comments

Tuesday brief briefs

Hamas is feeling the heat: They arrested one of the terrorists behind the June attack, and are swearing cooperation with the Egyptian government. If only I didn’t know that the minute the dust settles, the Morsi government will be aiding … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East | 2 Comments

More flying pigs, EU version

Catherine Ashton, who never finds a criticism of Israel that she can’t get on board with, is criticizing the latest Iranian calls for Israel’s destruction. The EU foreign policy chief said on Saturday that comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, … Continue reading

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Scan the skies for flying pigs: The UN chief condemned Iran

I’m sorry, but I think I have a sudden fit of the vapors. I can barely breathe. Can this be–true? UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon sharply criticized Iran’s supreme leader and president on Friday, describing their latest verbal attacks on Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, United Nations | 2 Comments