Category Archives: Iran

Iran calls for Israel’s destruction, again

Think we can say they really want to destroy Israel yet? Mahmoud Ahmedinejad says that “The very existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to humanity.” Looking forward to hearing Juan Cole insist that he means it’s the government … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Middle East | 2 Comments

Wednesday briefs

I’m sure he just meant it rhetorically: An Iranian general said specifically that Israel must be destroyed, but don’t worry–Juan Cole and the rest of the Iranian apologists will figure out a spin on how he doesn’t really mean he … Continue reading

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Friday, briefly

Uh-oh: There may be an October surprise for Iran. I would advise you to stock up on gas now, but storing gasoline is a really bad idea, generally. Maybe we should buy gold? That’s okay, the terrorists will just kidnap … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Tuesday snark briefs

The schadenfreude is simply delicious: Egypt moved to close Gaza’s smuggling tunnels, using heavy equipment and threats. Of course there are no outraged shouts from the anti-Israel crowd, because this is Egypt closing down Gaza, not Israel. But this is … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Friday briefs

Shades of 1930s Europe: Switzerland joins Germany’s war on Jews and Muslims by banning circumcision. First they ban kosher slaughter. Then they ban circumcision. Give them time, and they will ban Judaism completely. They did it before. Israel remembers the … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Jews, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Politics, Religion, World | 4 Comments

Friday briefs

Awful: Some nutjob went insane at a theater and murdered twelve people at the premiere of Dark Knight Rises. Countdown to blaming it on the Tea Party or Republicans or NRA in 3, 2, 1…. Oh, well then it must … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, The One, Writing | 3 Comments

Thursday briefs

Chuck Schumer, defending Big Business against the little guy: Only he’s with the publishers and Apple who colluded to set higher prices on ebooks. He’s getting slammed at Ars Technica, even though its Apple editor wrote a fairly favorable(to Apple) … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Politics, Syria, Terrorism, Writing | 1 Comment

Iran’s war on Israel claims more victims

The Iranians got a suicide bomber on a bus full of Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and killed at least seven of them. Prime Minister Netanyahu says there will be payback. But don’t worry. The AP doesn’t know who was behind … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Wednesday briefs

Whoops, they did it again: Another cyber attack on Iran. Israeli security company Seculert and Russia’s Kaspersky Lab, said on Tuesday that they identified more than 800 victims of the operation. The targets include critical infrastructure companies, engineering students, financial … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria | 3 Comments

Monday, briefly

The Palestinian president to hobnob with Israel’s enemies: But I repeat myself. Mahmoud Abbas is heading to Tehran to make nice with the people funding the group that killed their way to the governance of Gaza, killing Fatah and PA … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Tuesday briefs

Why is this woman smiling? Because she’s escaping from those freaky scientologists: Katie Holmes has escaped the conditioning and is divorcing Tom Cruise. The Daily News is all over the story (which totally amuses me), including showing this one, showing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Pop Culture, scientology, Syria, United Nations | Comments Off on Tuesday briefs

Media gives cover to Iranian anti-Semitism

While I’m waiting for the AP news story about the despicable anti-Semitic remarks made by the VP of Iran during a UN forum against drugs, let’s check out the coverage of AFP, France’s biggest delivery system of news to European … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Middle East, United Nations | Comments Off on Media gives cover to Iranian anti-Semitism

The anti-Zionism fig leaf falls from Iran

When even EU diplomats and the New York Times call it anti-Semitism, there’s no hiding behind the false label of anti-Zionism. Iran’s Vice President Makes Anti-Semitic Speech at Forum Iran’s vice president delivered a baldly anti-Semitic speech on Tuesday at … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Middle East, United Nations | 1 Comment

Monday Islamist briefs

Egypt, enemy, same difference: An Islamist won the presidency of Egypt. He’s already promising to “review” the Camp David Peace Treaty with Israel and increase ties to Iran. Also, Fatah is nervous as hell and Hamas is ecstatic. Awesome work … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, palestinian politics, Turkey | 1 Comment

Sunday briefs

WTF is a “gradual” truce? Apparently, Hamas thinks it’s a truce if they shoot fewer rockets at Israel. And yet, Iron Dome intercepted five rockets last night–something it does only when the rockets are going to hit populated areas. So … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey | 1 Comment