Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

The dancing IDF soldier, BBC, CNN, FFS – and YOU

This post is not about the dancing Israeli nincompoop of a soldier, nor about BBC or CNN or even FFS. It’s about you. But to define “you”, we’ll have to peruse the two following exhibits. Which are simply lists of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Absolving Arafat; ten years later

In her thoroughly dishonest valedictory as New York Times correspondent from Israel, And yet so far, Deborah Sontag wrote: In the tumble of the all-consuming violence, much has not been revealed or examined. Rather, a potent, simplistic narrative has taken … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 3 Comments

Israel denial in the Washington Post

I love the opening paragraphs of Glenn Kessler’s Defining ‘Jewish state’: For many, term has different meanings Nine years ago, then-Secretary of State Colin L. Powell delivered a speech on the Middle East in which he briefly called on Palestinians … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Friday briefs, now with more snark!

Oooh, I hope it’s true: Hezbollah is accusing Egypt and Jordan of arming its rivals. Hey, build up those opponents! If they’re busy fighting each other, they won’t have time to murder Israeli soldiers supervising the pruning of trees. Norway … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, News Briefs, World | 3 Comments

The immodest hopes of J-Street

Essential to maintaining the fiction that it is a mainstream Jewish organization, J-Street was careful to pretend that received support from many sources. We see this in a press release news story that appeared last year in the Washington Post. … Continue reading

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The Gaza flotillas: Now bringing aid to those who need none

After the world outcry following the Mavi Marmara incident, Israel relaxed the Gaza blockade to the point where even building materials have been sent. The world media finally stopped pretending that there is a humanitarian crisis and redefined Gazans in … Continue reading

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UN lashes Israel over flotilla hit – and why I love Aussies

ISRAEL has attacked a UN committee that found it engaged in “wilful killing and torture” when its soldiers boarded a flotilla bound for Gaza in May. This is the way the article in The Australian starts – by copying a … Continue reading

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It’s always OK to bash Israel

On the subject of Bill Clinton’s remarks on Russian immigrants in Israel being an obstacle to peace, we find that a generalization is neither sweeping nor wrong when you apply it to Israel (read: Jews). The Telegraph, quoting unnamed “observers”: … Continue reading

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Thursday briefs

I’m shocked, shocked, that the UN is condeming Israel again: I know my readers are going to have a hard time believing this, but the UNHRC report on the Gaza flotilla incident condemned Israel for “incredible violence.” Also for being … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Laura Rozen: Shouldn’t you be posting about foreign policy?

Someone needs to explain to me why this should be an item on Laura Rozen’s Foreign Policy blog on Politico. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell apologized Tuesday to groups whose entirely lawful events were the subject of regular anti-terrorism reports provided … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 3 Comments

A wholly owned subsidiary of Soros Inc.

With an enthusiasm that would make even the most adept PR professional blush, the Washington Post issues a press release about Human Rights Watch newest sugar daddy, With $100 million Soros gift, Human Rights Watch looks to expand global reach … Continue reading

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Professor Emeritus Moshé Machover, logic and politics

I have stumbled on a new year gift of a kind in the Guardian. It’s a letter by professor Emeritus Moshé Machover, grandly titled “Israel, Jews and the peace process”. The letter is relatively short and is worth reading in … Continue reading

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Friedman’s false history

Thomas Friedman – the master of pithy phrase that means nothing and firm believer that there’s always one more Israeli concession that’s necessary for peace in the Middle East – clearly has experienced a different history from the one I … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments


Turkey is starting to get the piper’s bill: The U.S. military will withdraw again from the annual joint military exercises with Turkey and Israel if Turkey excludes Israel again. The question for the Turks, then, is who do they think … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Terrorism | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Abuminah’s abominable op-ed

Ali Abuminah, the founder of the anti-Israel website, Electronic Intifada, has been given op-ed space in the New York Times. In that space he has written the highly misleading, Hamas, the I.R.A. and Us. I will have to disagree with … Continue reading

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