Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Dr David Lowry – a short study in contradictions

I have stumbled on a curious letter to the Guardian, titled Hiroshima, Israel and nuclear tests, signed by Dr David Lowry, former director, European Proliferation Information Center (EPIC). He starts with the background: I visited the exhibition on images of … Continue reading

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Harvard divests .. er .. not so fast

According to Globes: (via memeorandum) In another blow to Israeli shares, the Harvard Management Company notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday that it had sold all its holdings in Israeli companies during the second quarter of … Continue reading

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Your Monday morning briefs

I really don’t like Mondays, particularly because I usually make the drive to Company in Northern Virginia, and it’s a damned boring drive. Because not all of you read Instapundit: The Atlantic rounds up the many opinions about Jeff Goldberg’s … Continue reading

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You’re one of the destructive ones Tom

I’m happy today that Thomas Friedman appreciates the difference between “constructive” and “destructive” critics of Israel. I write about this now because there is something foul in the air. It is a trend, both deliberate and inadvertent, to delegitimize Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

Andrew Sullivan and the anti-Israel narrative

Andrew Sullivan is mad, mad, MAD at Lee Smith for suggesting that Andy is stirring up the Jew haters out there. But what his little essay reveals, it seems to me, is a panic that the discourse about Israel has … Continue reading

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Goldstone follow-up: The fix is in

The post-Goldstone committee, tasked with the responsibility of reporting on whether or not Israel is “following” the report’s recommendations, includes at least one appointee who is actively, vehemently, biased against Israel. And oh yeah—he’s the chairman. The chairman of the … Continue reading

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Palestinians censor “Rivers of Babylon”

Ew, Jew cooties. The Palestinians wouldn’t let a disco group sing one of their hit songs because it references Psalm 137 and—gasp!—talks about the Jewish history of Israel. Maizie Williams says Palestinian concert organizers told her not to sing “Rivers … Continue reading

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The odd “peace logic” of the New York Times

Yesterday’s meeting between Israeli PM Netanyahu and President Obama did not impress the editors of the New York Times. In Mr. Netanyahu at the White House, they write: President Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel satisfied their short-term … Continue reading

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Responding to Turkey

This morning, the Turkish government took one more step toward becoming a pariah state while pretending that it was threatening action against Israel, which it considers to be one. I do not make this statement without understanding the broader implications … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, Turkey | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Your anti-Israel news of the day

Please, dude—hold your breath: The Turkish FM is waiting for Israel to say that the flotilla raid was “unjust.” If not, Turkey will break off relations with Israel. Well, Turkey has already lost $400 million in tourism so far, apparently, … Continue reading

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Friday briefs

Turkey’s alliance with Israel is so ten minutes ago, dude: Having secret meetings behind Avigdor Lieberman’s back don’t seem to be doing much other than pissing off Lieberman, as Turkey is now talking about banning all Israeli flights from its … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, News Briefs, Religion, Terrorism, Turkey | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Australia becomes more pro-Israel, the rest of the world, not so much

Meryl and others have written about the attack on Australia’s new Prime Minister for being insufficiently anti-Israel. On Monday she was caught in her first political storm as prime minister following a letter written by Ross Burns, who served as … Continue reading

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Politician attacked for not being appropriately anti-Israel

A recently upgraded politician, who is now the leader of the party (and of the nation) is being attacked by a former diplomat for being too pro-Israel. The charges: The politician’s partner was hired by a pro-Israel Jew (reprsented in … Continue reading

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Friedman’s just another word for nothing left to lose

Clearly Friedman doesn’t understand history. It’s even clearer that he hasn’t learned from it either.

… why not be wrong about the Middle East too? He’s got no credibility left to lose. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 6 Comments

Saturday morning paranoia

This is hilarious. MANAMA: Israel is massing warplanes in the Caucasus for an attack on Iran, it was revealed yesterday. Preparations are underway to launch the military attack from Azerbaijan and Georgia, reports our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej, quoting … Continue reading

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