Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Around the world in Israel news

Down with Turkey, up with Cyprus: Cyprus is quickly becoming Israel’s new BFF, with Bulgaria ready to make it a threesome. Israeli tourists will be spending their dollars elsewhere, something that Erdogan probably really doesn’t like, but that he can’t … Continue reading

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Why is israel isolated Janine? Why don’t you take a bow for your efforts to help the cause?

Today the Washington Post reports Israel’s feeling of isolation is becoming more pronounced: Israel is no stranger to feelings of isolation. It weathered years of Cold War-era Arab and Soviet hostility. Books have been written about the United Nations’ perceived … Continue reading

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And the Goldstone Commission was a paragon of impartiality

A few days ago Robert Mackey of the New York Times made a case against Israel’s inquiry into the attack on the Mavi Marmara: The selection of Mr. Trimble, a former leader of Northern Ireland’s Ulster Unionist party, was described … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Obama throws Israel under the bus

Abu Ghraib did not merit a UN investigation. The United States would have vetoed any such effort from the UN. British soldiers killing Iraqi POWs did not merit a UN investigation. The United States would have vetoed any such effort … Continue reading

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Joe Klein and the alphabet soup strategy

Joe Klein says that Israel’s problem is that it relies on ABCD. Jeffrey Goldberg, in his excellent memoir Prisoners, tells how he got pummeled by Irish kids, then read the famous novel of Israel’s liberation, Exodus, by Leon Uris, and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 2 Comments

Judt’s new cliches

If Michael Chabon’s reflections on Jewish and Israeli stupidity weren’t offensive enough, now the New York Times gives another Jewish anti-Zionist, Tony Judt a few hundred more words of op-ed space to express his contempt for Israel. In Talking about … Continue reading

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Chabon: Israel is stupid for trying to survive

This past Sunday, novelist Michael Chabon took to the op-ed pages of the New York Times to argue that Jews were Chosen but not special. Toward the end he wrote: This is the ambiguity that cites the dispensation of God … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

Hypocrites of the world, unite

The hypocrisy on Israel is absolutely mind-boggling. Here’s Vladimir Putin: “Such actions against a civilian ship are unacceptable,” Putin said after the meeting. “These actions in international waters are especially concerning, and undoubtedly require a thorough investigation. A few examples … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Turkey | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Say, what’s wrong with what Helen Thomas said?

Soccerdad has the right idea, but too narrow an angle. It’s not just the Palestinians who won’t acknowledge the Jewish history in Israel. Take a look at some of the comments from the Washington Post: It was an idiotic comment, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 8 Comments

The Helen Thomas media blitz: She got fired for WHAT?!

Funny. The major news outlets did not cover Helen Thomas’ anti-Semitic remarks until she got fired for them. The Washington Post barely touched it. The wire services didn’t have anything on it, not even after Ari Fleischer called for her … Continue reading

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We get hatemail, Flotilla edition

Please enjoy these selections from the charming people who disagree with me. Note the depth, breadth, and soaring intellect of the average anti-Semitic anti-Israel commenter. And note, especially, the good humor, cheerfulness, and acceptance of a blogger having the choice … Continue reading

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Flotilla briefs, Wednesday edition

I’m not even going to try to parse the AP news bias anymore. Except to say that they now use the words “Israel says” and “Israel claimed” when describing facts like the attackers having knives and metal rods stashed on … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, World | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

More on the flotilla attack

On the day before the IDF boarded the ship, the “peace activists” on board the Marmara chanted the jihadi slogan to kill all Jews. “[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!” Khaibar is the name of … Continue reading

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Fool Flotilla threatening violence

The Free Gaza ships are on their way to their clash with the Israeli Navy. They’ve already had their communications blocked, suffered some technical mishaps that they blame on Israel (of course; who else but Jews are capable of causing … Continue reading

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Fool Flotilla delayed

Oh noes! The Flotilla of Fools can’t arrive on schedule. They’ll have to deal with the dreaded Saturday news dearth! The flotilla sailing to Gaza has postponed its arrival in the Strip to Saturday. The ships taking part in the … Continue reading

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