Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Friday forgot the header briefs

A failed assassination attempt, or sheer incompetence? Mahmoud Abbas drove his own daughter to the hospital after discovering his entire guard detail was missing. A third theory: It was a warning. And you simply have to love the nerve of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, Religion | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Fool Flotilla to be met with counter-protest

Awesome. A fleet of privately owned Israeli boats will leave the Ashdod and Herzliya marinas in hopes of surprising the European activists Friday at 1 p.m. The counter flotilla ships will be covered in “Free Gaza from Hamas” banners and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 6 Comments

What’s the difference between comedy central and al aqsa tv?

Comedy Central publishes anti-Semitic, anti-Israel game The Comedy Central website has published an anti-semitic game called “I.S.R.A.E.L. Attacks,” in which a murderous robot called Israel is called upon to wipe out every cartoon character on the show. The short animated … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged , | 3 Comments

No Chomsky, no peace

Noam Chomsky had to cool his heels for four hours before being told he wasn’t welcome in Israel. Jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky, one of the prominent speakers against the Israeli policy, was stopped Sunday while trying to enter Israel through … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 4 Comments

John Mearsheimer’s speech on Jews: Echoes of the 1930s

Let’s take a walk through history and compare the speech that John Mearsheimer gave to the Palestine Center with a few historical speeches given by two other men who claimed they had nothing, really, against the Jews. Mearsheimer titled his … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 32 Comments

Your Thursday morning snark

Stop making sense, you racist! One of the drafters of the Arizona immigration law has an op-ed in the Times that points out the lies in the propaganda of the law’s opponents—including, of course, our Constitutional scholar of a president. … Continue reading

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Diehl’s blind spot

Jackson Diehl has been focusing democratization in the Arab world. It’s an important issue. For example Gen. Petraeus in his famous and mischaracterized testimony prepared for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee lists a number of items such as Ethnic, tribal, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Baby Assad finds his real calling!

Well, mazel tov to Baby Assad, he is quite advanced in years to get somewhere, and finally he’s done it! Syria and Libya teamed up Sunday to pressure Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to quit peace talks with Israel and return … Continue reading

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UN promoting blood libel: Awesome. Libya’s managed to get a document accusing Israeli doctors of stealing Palestinian organs on the UNHRC agenda. Which just goes to show you, the UN isn’t worth the land it’s sitting on. What next, a … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Sometimes anti-Israel is anti-Israel

Robert Wright sets up many straw men and knocks them down in Against pro-Israel. He cynically lists “symptoms” of being anti-Israel. Symptom no. 1: Believing that Israel shouldn’t build more settlements in East Jerusalem. President Obama holds this belief, and … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

Friday briefs

Hell hath frozen over: The EU released a statement demanding the immediate release of Gilad Shalit. No, really. Wait, there has to be a catch. Oh, here it is. They’re also calling on Israel to make “substantial release of Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, News Briefs, Terrorism | Tagged , | 2 Comments

… and israel’s unpopularity among some americans

Given Israel’s popularity in America, that popularity is not universal. So those who don’t share pro-Israel views need an explanation. Walter Russell Mead explains: While I say nothing because I know nothing about the motives of particular people, it’s impossible … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 5 Comments

Not a mistake but a liberal democracy

I don’t agree with everything that Richard Cohen argues, but his central thesis about charging Israel with apartheid is unassailable: What can be said about others who apply the term to Israel in general? No apology has come from them … Continue reading

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A riddle wrapped in an enigma and mocked on Facebook

I’ve been skeptical of the ever growing hit team that knocked off Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, but Robert Baer (h/t Powerline) provides an explanation: The truth is that Mr. Mabhouh’s assassination was conducted according to the book—a military operation in which the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

The blogger’s guide to anti-Semitic comment trolls

Eight years ago this spring, at the height of the suicide bombings of Yasser Arafat’s terror war known as the second intifada, I started blogging about Jewish and Israeli issues. This, of course, brought out the anti-Israel crazies. I came … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged , , | 19 Comments