Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Why Abbas is failing

The Washington Post describes how Mahmoud Abbas has lost popularity. First there was the failure to achieve a cost free advantage. Obama named Mitchell as his peace envoy just one day after taking office in an effort to demonstrate to … Continue reading

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Gaddafi Jewish too now? Oh boy…

The ink on the latest “revelations” about Mahmoud the Mad’s Jewish roots has barely dried and evaporated (after all it was a canard, created, most probably, by his political rivals). And here we are on the brink of another scandal: … Continue reading

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Why did Israel jail the pregnant woman?

The media likes to boast that they are the “first rough draft of history.” Part of that claim is that they are disinterested parties just reporting the facts as they are. Rafael Broch of Just Journalism had an excellent op-ed … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 14 Comments

“Can this trash”

The New York Times has a completely unremarkable account of Tuesday’s proceedings. Apparently neither Dr. Siderer’s testimony nor Cuba’s plea for “freedom of expression” were noteworthy to the Times reporter. Interestingly neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post … Continue reading

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The Goldstone standard

In his initial report about the Goldstone Commission report, Colum Lynch of the Washington Post wrote: He cited one incident in which Israeli forces allegedly fired a mortar shell through the door of a mosque in Gaza City during a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

Built on a foundation of sand

Avi Bell doubts that the Goldstone report will result in any significant diplomatic damage to Israel however, The situation in the wake of the Goldstone Report is reminiscent, to some degree, of the international uproar that erupted over the building … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Jew Cooties | Tagged | 2 Comments

Garlasco hits the fan

The New York Times finally covers the controversy over Marc Garlasco’s hobby first reported by Mere Rhetoric and reports that he has been suspended from Human Right’s Watch. The article covers most of the aspects of Garlasco’s collecting and summed … Continue reading

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Turki stuffing

A few months we had an excuse: “The ambition to bring the Saudis on board has been disappointed,” said one Western diplomat based in Riyadh, who asked not to be identified because of the delicate nature of the debate. “I … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Goldstone commission: A kangaroo court report

In the next couple of weeks, the UN will be releasing the results of the inquiry by Richard Goldstone into what they will determine are war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza. Goldstone has been insisting that although the UN … Continue reading

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When meticulous means exaggerated

Helena Cobban writes about the recent casualty figures from Israel’s war against Hamas released by PCHR and B’Tselem. I dare say that when we see the final report in English from PCHR, they too will be specific about the methodology … Continue reading

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When your enemy’s a lightbulb

Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A. Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change. In defense of their stance on Hamas, J-Street writes (h/t Jennifer Rubin): We also recognize, … Continue reading

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Quote of the day

Elliott Abrams in the Washington Post – in response to Jimmy Carter: Most inaccurate of all, and most bizarre, is Carter’s claim that “a total freeze of settlement expansion is the key” to a peace agreement. Not a halt to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 5 Comments

Halvorsen’s record

A number of outlets have reported that Norway’s pension fund divested its shares of the Israeli technology firm, Elbit. It’s true,as Yaacov Lozowick points out that Norway had divested from a lot of companies ( e.g. Boeing for helping build … Continue reading

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Bostrom for a Pulitzer

Apparently the reason that the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet decided to publish its false story about the IDF stealing the organs of Palestinians is because the paper’s editor wanted to verify the authenticity of the story. In the United States the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | Tagged | 1 Comment

Boycott backlash

A week and a half ago, Israeli professor Neve Gordon wrote an op-ed in the LA Times calling for a boycott of Israel. So if the two-state solution is the way to stop the apartheid state, then how does one … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 2 Comments