Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

More dividends of the Cairo speech

The Saudis are telling Obama to create peace by fiat. Arab patience is wearing thin in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz told US President Barack Obama during their meeting in Riyadh last Wednesday. According … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Saudi Arabia | 1 Comment

The real obstacle

Michael Slackman reports in Arab States Cool to Obama Pleas for Peace Gesture: President Obama starts his much anticipated Middle East tour on Wednesday in Saudi Arabia, where he is expected to press the Arab nations to offer a gesture … Continue reading

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The questionable centrality of Palestine

The New York Times asked seven Muslims – from Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Pakistan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia – what President Obama’s message to the Muslim world should be later this week. I was surprised at the responses. AHMED al-OMRAN (from … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

Where Hugo’s huge

A surprisingly astute Washington Post editorial two month ago observed: FOR DECADES, summit meetings of the Arab League have resounded with rhetoric about the alleged “double standards” of the West in enforcing U.N. resolutions or respecting international law. No communique … Continue reading

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The media’s anti-bibi brigades

One aspect of reporting on ties between Israel and the United States is to look for exaggerations in the extent of the rift between the two countries. We will see a lot of this in the coming years as journalists … Continue reading

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Stall. Wait for pressure. Get concessions. Add some violence. Repeat.

Noah Pollak describes Mahmoud Abbas’s negotiating strategy as described in an interview with Jackson Diehl, as a “Princess Bride strategy.” Diehl seems to get it too as he writes: Abbas and his team fully expect that Netanyahu will never agree … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

UN launching “independent” probe of Gaza war

You have to love the AP. They sure do give us many laughs. The United Nations says a team of independent experts mandated to probe alleged war crimes in Israel and Gaza will leave for the Middle East over the … Continue reading

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Camp David never happened

In Vote Fatah (or Hamas) Khalil Shkaki writes: Recall how, in 1999, when the interim arrangements of the Oslo agreements expired without an end to the occupation, younger nationalists led by Fatah leaders like Marwan Barghouti, in cooperation with Islamists, … Continue reading

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Roger Cohen – an ominous fellow traveler?

I warmly recommend an excellent article An Ominous Turn in Elite Opinion by Jonathan S. Tobin in the Commentary magazine. Not because I agree with every conclusion about the article main protagonist – Roger Cohen, I have my doubts about … Continue reading

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The sport of Bibi bashing

There’s something tasteless about headlining a “news analysis” Keeping score on Obama vs. Netanyahu (via memeorandum), but I suppose there will be a lot of this over the next three or four years as the media try to score points … Continue reading

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Scottish film festival boycotts Israel

Loathesome Ken Loach managed to bully a Scottish film festival into giving back £300 that Israel donated for travel expenses of an Israeli film director. And here’s the worst of it: The Scots stayed strong when the local Palestinian group … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The settlement panacea

In Upping the ante on Israel, David Ignatius notes that President Obama has asked the Arab world to start normalization with Israel. To give Israel some quick tangible benefits, the United States wants the Arabs to begin normalizing relations with … Continue reading

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Bibi – dishonestly and honestly

Scott MacLeod judges Binyamin Netanyahu based on Aaron David Miller’s memoirs. Frankly, I think his account says a lot about Miller and ex-President Clinton – and little of it good. (Nor do I think much of MacLeod who takes Miller … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

The UN finds another club to use on Israel: Phantom torture facility

Did you know the UN had an anti-torture committee? You’d think that maybe they’d be checking out the handiwork of places like Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, various South American dictatorships, North Korea, Cuba, Libya, and, gee, pre-2003 Iraq. But … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations | 1 Comment

The enema remedy – doing quite well, thank you

Since then, as that ancient Jewish story tells, each time when a Pharaoh gets sick, Jews get the enema. Sorry about that annoying habit of quoting own posts, but the quote is not mine, so… Anyhow, this time it applies … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 1 Comment