Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Two state confusion

Tony Karon writes this bit of inanity in his survey of President Obama’s foreign policy challenges: Unlike Netanyahu, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is fully committed to the two-state solution being championed by the Obama Administration. The problem, however, is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 5 Comments

An agenda for J-Street

Short New York Times editorial: When PM Netanyahu visits with President Obama, Netanyahu ought to listen to his superior and faithfully do all that the President, in his infinite wisdom, asks him to do. The NYT has a perfectly obnoxious … Continue reading

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National brotherhood week

Back in March 2000, Pope John Paul visited Israel and held an interfaith meeting. After then Chief Rabbi Lau spoke and caused a bit of an uproar by claiming that the Pope had recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Then Sheikh … Continue reading

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Papal bull

There’s been a lot of commentary about the Pope’s upcoming visit to the Middle East. The Pope has refused to be used for Palestinian propaganda. And the NY Times reports that while he’s in the Middle East he’ll be talking … Continue reading

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UC Irvine hatefest starts again

From time to time the Muslim Student Union in UC Irvine has to prove that it doesn’t exist for nothing. Their new entertainment program goes under this poster: After the movie, several presentations will be given by the principal actors: … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Hamas: we’ll tolerate Israel for 10 years. max.

The New York Times visits Khaled Meshal in Damascus and offers him a microphone, Addressing U.S., Hamas Says It Has Grounded Its Rockets to Israel. “I promise the American administration and the international community that we will be part of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

AIPAC dismissals and fallout

Meryl and Daled Amos have provided synopses of the AIPAC case. I’d just add that I understand why AIPAC dismissed Steve Rosen and Kenneth Weissman. Part of the bullying that the government engaged in was to threaten the organization with … Continue reading

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Parsing the Iranian Hitler’s speech

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called yet again for the end of Israel, and is once more pretty much ignored by the mainstream media. However, I’d like to see the speech-parsers like Juan Cole parse this bit: The website of the Iranian IRIB … Continue reading

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FBI witch hunt charges against AIPAC staffers dropped

The case stank to high heaven from the get-go, and now the charges have been dropped. The Justice Department has informed two former employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that it will be dropping charges against them for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

I’m kinda fonda Jane, I’ll missa

Earlier this month delegates from all over the world got together in Geneva for a conference on xenophobia, racial discrimination and racism. When the United States and some European nations boycotted the proceedings, Representative Barbara Lee objected: Those who supported … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

Gideon Levy – the summary of his life?

I’ve stumbled on this article accidentally. I don’t really follow Gideon Levy, the Haaretz scribe and self-appointed moral compass of the country, all that diligently, if at all. But the headline How Gideon Levy’s first scoop got buried was definitely … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 1 Comment

Worrying about the soul of the Palestinian state

Forget for a moment that the party involved is the “moderate” Fatah faction. (via memeorandum) Forget for a moment that the case violates the Oslo Accords. The Jerusalem Post reported yesterday that a Palestinian man was sentenced to death for … Continue reading

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If the anti-Israel shoe fits, wear it

Ruthie Blue Leibowitz interviews Jeremy ben-Ami of J-Street. What constitutes being “anti-Israel?” Being anti-Israel means rejecting the notion of the right of the Jewish people to a state that didn’t exist before, and that its establishment was a mistake. Those … Continue reading

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BMI – doing Mahmoud the Mad’s bidding?

BMI (British Midland Airways) airline provided today a so much needed refreshing scoop: according to Galei Tzahal (the army radio), passengers flying from UK to Israel were surprised to see on their TV screens that the destination they considered to … Continue reading

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If we would just pressure Israel we’d have peace in the Middle East

The New York Times reports that Fatah and Hamas are engaged in reconciliation talks. Fatah insists that any unity government formed will be acceptable to the international community and satisfy the conditions of the so-called quartet of Middle East peace … Continue reading

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