Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

When page A6 says something

When allegations of the IDF’s conduct first emerged, Yaacov Lozowick observed: Haaretz has just launched a series (so they say) of articles in which soldiers who fought in Gaza tell of wrongdoings. I’m linking to the first article here, and … Continue reading

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The anti-Zionist elephant

Ethan Bronner reports in After Gaza, Israel Grapples With Crisis of Isolation. But in the weeks since its Gaza war, and as it prepares to inaugurate a hawkish right-wing government, it is facing its worst diplomatic crisis in two decades. … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 47 Comments

Rafael’s Indian promo, militant feminism and other trifles

As a latent MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig), I am always on lookout against committing another involuntary faux pas that will expose my inner id (Yid?) again. This time I simply cannot avoid a (mild) confrontation with the… anyway, here is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Drubbing Durban II

In a rather bland paragraph the New York Times informs us that Changes Ahead of Talks on Racism: Countries preparing for a United Nations conference on racism have removed references to Israel and religious defamation from its draft declaration, potentially … Continue reading

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Cutting off noses

Yaacov Lozowick on academic boycotts of Israel: Fish himself then goes on, eventually, to state a position whereby any academic boycott is wrong, including the one on Apartheid South Africa. This is a reasonable approach, of course. I’d add to … Continue reading

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When extremism counts and when it doesn’t

The Washington Post reported on the murders of two Israeli policemen the other night. Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said the shooting was being treated as a “nationalistic” attack, the phrase Israeli police occasionally use for political violence carried out … Continue reading

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Durban II: The West may be a no-show

The EU is threatening to boycott Durban II, which would just about kill any semblance of legitimacy. Good. The EU threatened on Monday to withdraw from a UN conference on racism next month unless its final declaration is changed, joining … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations | 1 Comment

Banality of a weasel

I suppose I should be generous to Roger Cohen. According to Roger Simon, Cohen flew out to LA on his own initiative – and dime – in order to defend his defense of the Iranian regime. But Simon writes that … Continue reading

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Here’s a thought: Stop protesting the security barrier

An ISM “activist” was hit in the head and severely injured by a tear gas canister during a weekly anti-fence protest. And of course, the “activists” are claiming that a) The IDF is using unnecessary force, b) the soldier deliberately … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Pincus: Arab media confirm that omnipotent Israel lobby sunk Freeman appointment

In a remarkable bit of investigative reporting, Walter PIncus of the Washington Post confirmed his previous reporting on the withdrawn appointment of Chas Freeman to be the next head of the National Intelligence Council. As Pincus wrote in Intelligence Pick … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

German documentary proves al-Dura was a hoax

Philippe Karsenty sent an email that was published on The Iconoclast blog that says a German documentary has thoroughly proven the Mohammed al-Dura story to be a hoax perpetrated on the world by the Palestinians, with the willing blindness (or … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 2 Comments

If an appointee falls and there’s no msm, is it still a scandal?

We did initially elect not to write a story about the campaign against Mr. Freeman. In deciding how to deploy our reporters, my initial judgment was that this squabble fell short of the bar, since the head of the National … Continue reading

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Two Freeman myths busted

With a summary like Washington’s lobbying machine deprived Barack Obama of a valuable adviser. I’m not going to bother with David Broder’s Chas Freeman’s withdrawal is a loss for the country. However on the op op-ed page the editors of … Continue reading

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Deconstructing Stephen Walt

Stephen Walt, co-author of the odious Israel Lobby, the man that sees Jewish conspiracies under every stone, does not disappoint with his reaction to the Chas Freeman flameout. But by doing so, he has tipped his hand as an expert … Continue reading

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To Alice Walker in Gaza: Shut up and write

Yet another idiot toured Gaza, declared the results of the war horrible, and blamed Israel. This one, though—well, she’s toeing the Hamas propaganda line quite closely. Walker did not respond directly when asked whether Hamas – classified as a terrorist … Continue reading

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