Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Terrorist attack in Cairo: It’s Israel’s fault—of course

The AP story tells you who’s really to blame when bombs go off in Cairo: Israel. And they say it in the lead, to make sure everyone knows it’s really Israel’s fault that tourists were killed by Muslim terrorists in … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Freeman: a Saudi investment about to pay off?

Mere Rhetoric has an excellent roundup and analysis of the possible appointment of Chas Freeman to be the chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Ed Lasky provides more background. Now the Obama Mideast Monitor is reporting that the appointment is … Continue reading

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Daring to do Durban II

Martin Peretz minimizes the effort of the Obama administration is expending on Durban II and attributes the decision to attend the planning session to Dr. Susan Rice, the American ambassador to the UN. The first full-fledged exercise in accommodating our … Continue reading

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Racism imagined; antisemitism ignored

There’s a joke about a man who goes to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist starts with a Rorschach test. Each image the man is shown is described as a “naked woman.” Finally, in exasperation the psychiatrist says, “Mr. Jones, you have … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 2 Comments


The IAF is bombing more smuggling tunnels. Good. They should do it on a daily basis. That would stop smuggling for good. The United Nations is an ass. Note the blithe description of “exchange of prisoners,” thus equating terrorist mass-murderes … Continue reading

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Let them be, David

David Taube, aka David T of Harry’s Place, makes another valiant effort to separate the wheat from the chaff in his article Why we must reclaim antiracism from the far left (on CiF, of all places). Of course, it got … Continue reading

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Mohammed elBaradei: Israel more of a threat than NorKorea

Interesting. Mohammed elBaradei writes in the International Herald Tribune (owned by the New York Times) that he has the key to nuclear disarmament, and he manages to ignore completely North Korea, Syria, Pakistan’s contribution to the world’s nuclear black market, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, United Nations, World | 2 Comments

What could be worse than Hamas?

Three years ago in advance of Palestinian elections, the Washington Post heralded the participation of Hamas, in “Pre-election turmoil“: Already, too, democracy is showing its benefits. Faced with the possibility of defeat by Hamas, Fatah has been forced to overhaul … Continue reading

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Iraqis want Israel to pay “reparations” for Osirak

You have got to be kidding me. BAGHDAD Iraqi parliamentarians are demanding Israel pay billions of dollars in reparations for a 1981 Israeli attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor, Baghdad’s daily Al Sabbah reported on Thursday. Mohammed Naji Mohammed, a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | 1 Comment

Right? Right! Wrong!

It’s an article of faith that the results of Israel’s election this week show that the country has moved to the right. And yes, on one level the electorate shows a shift to the right from the current configuration. However, … Continue reading

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Ain’t democracy great

A surprising observation from left wing commentator, Glenn Greenwald: Needless to say, isolating an Israeli government that includes the democratically elected Yisrael Beiteinu party and childishly pretending that they don’t exist is a central prong of the peace camp’s approach … Continue reading

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British institutional anti-Semitism

It seems like every time you turn around, another British politician is cursing Jews. I’m sorry, I mean, Israelis. British authorities have detained a Foreign Office diplomat who allegedly uttered anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli profanities last month in anger over the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 14 Comments

Voting for war?

Jackson Diehl starts off his latest (outrageous) column, A promise of War, with: The past four Israeli elections have been won by a candidate who promised to end Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians. Tomorrow, for the first time in decades, … Continue reading

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Jimmy Carter: Lies, slander, and Jew-hatred

It isn’t enough that Carter has written yet another book slamming Israel. It isn’t enough that he slams Israel on a regular basis. His Jew-hatred is really starting to shine through. (H/T: Elder.) You have to remember that the major … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Politics | 3 Comments

Country at war with Israel protests to UN that Israel won’t let its ships dock there

Is this the height of hypocrisy? Israelis are not allowed to set foot in Lebanon, and Lebanon is whining to the UN because the Israeli Navy stopped a Lebanese ship from traveling unchecked into Gaza—even though Israel and Lebanon are … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments