Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

One shoe – one vote

The news item that didn’t get a lot of publicity: A human rights protester was in police custody Monday after throwing a shoe at Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao during a speech at Cambridge University. First of all, the recently developed … Continue reading

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Nothing doing

On the 7th anniversary of his son’s murder, Judea Pearl writes: But the clearest endorsement of terror as a legitimate instrument of political bargaining came from former President Jimmy Carter. In his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” Mr. Carter appeals … Continue reading

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Be-yon-d Kristof

Ain’t Nick’s at it again. Kristof recently wrote: President Bush’s problem was that he loved Israel too much. He embraced Israeli leaders even when they responded to provocations by killing more than 1,300 people in Gaza, according to Gaza health … Continue reading

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Palestinian conspiracy theories: Starting them young

A shoddily built floor in an UNRWA school collapsed. Instead of blaming the crappy construction, the Palestinians have found the real reason the floor collapsed: Discrimination by Jews, as well as “settlers” digging under the Western Wall. Several students were … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

J-Street’s credibility on thin ice

Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Splash! Related here. At least J-Street is pretty open about being anti-Israel (though it calls it pro-Israel), the NJDC pretends that being a Democrat means one is pro-Israel by definition. So instead of being dishonest … Continue reading

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A dialog with an anti-Zionist

I would like to draw your attention to an interesting dialog that developed between Ami Isseroff and one Menachem Korn, it could be followed in the article Generic reply to Generic anti-Zionist. Ami starts his post with an interesting remark … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Gaza “genocide”: By the numbers

There are some interesting facts in this excellent column in the Jerusalem Post, which calls for the end of the West’s proxy war against Israel. The author calls UNRWA’s support of the Palestinians the problem: THE CURRENT situation can only … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | 3 Comments

Norway’s Anti-Jew status?

The amazing inquiry from Norway with these keywords – “anti jew status update” in full – caused my feverish imagination some overtime. How does it really go in Norway? So here is an imaginary scene: (Imagine a lonely pub on … Continue reading

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The real danger to speaking out on Israel

The past few years have been filled with person after person proclaiming how risky it is to take a stand against “the Israel Lobby” or just plain against Israel. Jimmy Carter proclaims it even as he sells his latest book, … Continue reading

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The no-state solution

Seven years ago, Thomas Friedman took on a second job. His first job was columnist for the New York Times. The second job he took on was as unpaid PR flack for the medieval Saudi kingdom. He wrote a column … Continue reading

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Swedes: Who cares about old, dead Jews when Gazans died last month?

See if you can follow this logic, because it’s pretty much escaping me. A town in Sweden has decided to cancel its Holocaust remembrance procession because of the Gaza war. A northern Swedish city has decided to cancel a planned … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments


President Obama promised that his first trip abroad would be to a Muslim capital. He hasn’t traveled abroad yet, but he chose the Al-Arabiya satellite channel to grant his first interview since assuming office (via memeorandum). For its part here’s … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

Lynch-ing Israel

At Foreign Policy Marc Lynch asks, How badly did Gaza poison the well? (via memeorandum) Needless to say, Lynch opposed Israel’s effort to defend its citizens. But here’s one of his conclusions: There’s no question that Gaza has weakened the … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment


A Reuters headline reads War boosted extremists in Gaza, says U.N. official. Quoted is John Ging head of the UNRWA “The extremists here — there are more now at the end of this conflict than there were at the start, … Continue reading

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Israel’s legitimacy is debatable; Hamas’s is not

I already blogged about Muammar Qaddafi’s op-ed in the NYT, but Yaacov Lozowick emphasizes a point that’s well worth remembering: The editors of the paper will trot out the standard boilerplate about giving a platform to all opinions including the … Continue reading

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