Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

BBC impartiality: Sort of like a virgin hooker

The BBC is making a laughable attempt to pretend that they’re impartial when it comes to Israel—by refusing to run ads for a Gaza disaster relief appeal advertisement. At first, none of the British networks would run the ad. Then … Continue reading

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Will President Obama speak out?

Claudia Rosett on the prevalence of antisemitism at the UN: The other hub is the United Nations, which, despite its own sanctions on Iran and its own 1945 charter which aims to avert such horrors as another holocaust, continues to … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Another look from afar

Again from down under: an anti-Israeli* demo in Melbourne, as documented by Nilk. Two of my favorites: I hope that kid didn’t get tired schlepping this one and done her Mom and Dad proud. Nilk says: “I think this guy’s … Continue reading

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New UN and Reuters standard for evidence: Feelings

If you can find a shred of hard evidence in this supposed news report, I will print out this post and eat it. There is evidence that Israel committed war crimes during its 22-day campaign in the Gaza Strip and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, United Nations | Tagged , | 15 Comments

Muammar’s second act

The NYT persisting in its misguided principle that debate is always good, today offers an op-ed written by Libyan dictator, Muammar Quaddafi, “The One State Solution.” I had not realized it, but apparently Qaddafi is making a second career out … Continue reading

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It’s all about gas, stupid!

Via Sandmonkey (what would we all do without Sandmonkey, I wonder?): a earth-shaking discovery of the real reason for the Cast Lead. It’s… but see the headline of this post. I cannot go on, its’ too funny – eventually the … Continue reading

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Yes, barrister!

Every time I think that anti-Israeli rhetoric cannot stoop lower (for fear of breaking its back or for fear of hitting its head on the (basement) floor), the rhetoric surprises me again. This time it’s Michael Paulin, a barrister and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

A.B. Yehoshua vs. Gideon Levy

It is an interesting public debate: A.B. Yehoshua trying to get some sense into the head of our Mr self-assigned Conscience Of the Nation (CON) – Gideon Levy of Haaretz. The discussion is rather long, so I will quote only … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 1 Comment

AP: Passing along Palestinian white phosphorus lies

The AP is helping the world to charge Israel with war crimes. They’re accusing Israel of dropping white phosphorus shells on Gaza without finding any physical evidence whatsoever—but they have plenty of Palestinian experts telling them it happened. Hey, even … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The hypocrisy of the anti-Israel crowd

Protests against Israel took place around the world again yesterday. This time, the protesters were even more blatant about their ultimate goal: The destruction of the Jewish State. Police estimated 6,000 people took part in two demonstrations in Germany’s capital … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 3 Comments

And now they’ve made the next step

I don’t have a choice now but to quote myself, if only for the reason that I haven’t seen somebody else saying this. It was regarding the hysterical shrieking by Naomi Klein (“Israel: Boycott, Divest, Sanction“) that I have asked … Continue reading

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British academics: Israel must be destroyed

British academics, including some notably anti-Israel Jews (that are hereafter referred to as “Ex-Jews“), are no longer just in favor of the generic fabled “peace.” They want Israel to lose the war against Hamas which, of course, means they want … Continue reading

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Sir Gerald’s loop

(I know that Sir Gerald has already got a honorable mention from Meryl, however…) Sir Gerald (or in other words, Hon Gerald Kaufman, MP)has already appeared on our radar. What can I say – it has been great fun and … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

Is the media losing the credibility war?

Andrew Lee Butters, a member of the “terror troika” of Time Magazine wrote an essay titled, Is Israel losing the media war in Gaza? Asking the question means, of course, that he believes the answer is “yes.” But here’s a … Continue reading

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NZ Muslim pub owners: No dogs or Israelis allowed

In what has to be the height of irony, an immigrant New Zealand pub owner has forbidden Israelis to patronize his pub until the Gaza operation is over. And he’s not the only one. An Israeli citizen residing in Kaikoura, … Continue reading

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