Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Blockheads vs. the blockade

Never mind that Israel allows large quantities of goods into Gaza and the Palestinians themselves smuggle even more in via tunnels from Egypt. But a bunch of anti-Israel activists decided to make some PR and “run” Israel’s naval blockade of … Continue reading

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Oh, where is the fisking of yesteryear?

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling nostalgic about the years when there was some rich fisking material in the works of Fisk. When one could sink one’s teeth into some juicy fact-shuffling, ignorance or the usual passion … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Beg pardon, Norm 2

The ink has barely dried on that post where I have dared to dispute Norm’s statement on limits of stupidity, and here comes more proof that I was right. Stupidity is unlimited. This proof comes from the same (possibly inexhaustible) … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 7 Comments

UNIFIL: In Hezbullah’s pocket

Get a load of this Bizarro World UNIFIL general: Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Maj.-Gen. Claudio Graziano on Thursday accused Israel of violating UN Security Council Resolution 1701 that brought an end to the Second … Continue reading

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C-i-l-l the Zionist occupiers

In the early 80’s Saturday Night Live had a recurring character, Tyrone Green, played by Eddie Murphy who was a “poet” whose most famous work was “Cill my landlord.” In one sketch, Tyrone shows his versatility, he’s not just a … Continue reading

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Such good friends

Without a trace of irony the NYT reports: An Iranian vice president said in rare comments that Iran was a friend of Israeli people, newspapers reported on Monday. “I say for a thousandth time that we are a friend of … Continue reading

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Howard Rotberg’s affair

The story of Howard Rotberg’s unfortunate encounter with two or three pro-Palestinian provocateurs, followed by boycott of his book The Second Catastrophe by the biggest Canadian bookstore chain Chapters Indigo, was eerily reminiscent of an episode in life of a … Continue reading

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“Punishing” al Jazeera

Dion Nissenbaum’s in high dudgeon because Israel is “punishing” Al Jazeera. How’s that? The Israeli government stopped helping Al Jazeera after the station aired a birthday celebration for Samir Kuntar, the Lebanese killer freed last month in a prisoner exchange … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 1 Comment

The NGO problem

Yesterday I blogged about a Physicians for Human Rights report that accused Israel of pressuring Palestinians seeking medical treatment in Israel into becoming informers. Honest Reporting provided a link to Gerald Steinberg who questions the claims: Similarly, in this publication, … Continue reading

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Fulbright sequel

Two months ago the State Department embarrassed Israel into allowing a number of students from Gaza travel abroad as Fullbright scholars. At the time the NYT reported: The American State Department has withdrawn all Fulbright grants to Palestinian students in … Continue reading

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How dare Israeli hospitals treat Palestinians!

Israel opens its borders to allow thousands of Palestinians access to medical care in its hospitals. The only time you hear about this is when there’s a complaint. The Washington Post’s Linda Gradstein is all too anxious to report Gazans’ … Continue reading

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Olmert and the peace process again (sigh)

The NYT follows up with another article showing what I observed yesterday, that Olmerts resignation is being viewed not in terms of security considerations, but in terms of the peace process. Today we have Israel’s Political Situation Dims Hopes for … Continue reading

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The shallow Egypt-Israel peace

One of the shining examples of peacemaking in the Middle East always comes back to the 1978 Camp David Accords. Peace between Israel and Egypt is held up as the prize package, even though no other Arab country has waged … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | Tagged | 1 Comment

Israeli columnist: Hamastan is a good thing!

When I saw the following link at Ha’aretz – Aluf Benn: ‘Hamastan’ is prototyope for future Palestinian state, I was surprised. Benn is a committed leftist, and I was surprised that he was acknowledging the danger of strengthening Hamas. Then … Continue reading

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Arab states don’t fulfill their commitments to the Palestinians

The Washington Post reports Arab Aid to Palestinians Often Doesn’t Fulfill Pledges. In 2002, when oil prices were hovering around $21 a barrel, nearly two dozen Arab nations joined to pledge yearly contributions of $660 million to support the Palestinian … Continue reading

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