Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Hating Israel more than loving Palestinians

Today Nicholas Kristof pleads for Tough love for Israel? Before he gets to his conclusion though he writes: Granted, not everybody sees things this way, and discussions of the Middle East usually involve each side offering up its strongest arguments … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | 4 Comments

The complain, cajole, concede cycle

The NYT makes this sound like a bad thing: Mideast Sees More of the Same if Obama Is Elected “What we know is American presidents all support Israel,” said Muhammad Ibrahim, 23, a university student who works part time selling … Continue reading

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Horribly wrong part II

Dion Nissenbaum, McClatchy’s Israel correspondent, lets all know where his sympathies lie, with Samir Kuntar. As Israel was getting ready to free Kuntar last Wednesday, the Lebanese militant told guards that he didn’t want to walk to freedom in a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | 2 Comments

Just one more iddy biddy concession and they’ll love you

Before Israel agreed to a ceasefire with Hezbollah in 2006, Thomas Friedman wrote a column, The Morning After the Morning After, in which he argued that the population of Lebanon would eventually turn on Hezbollah when it realized the costs … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 3 Comments

Low and lower

The recent do on the border with Lebanon couldn’t have passed without the inimitable Fisk checking in with a totally idiotic opus in the captive Indy. Since fisking Fisk is too nineties (simply put – you do not fisk anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 3 Comments

Dennis anyone?

via memeorandum Time Magazine reports on the Middle East expert who will be accompanying Sen. Obama to the Middle East next week Obama’s Conservative Mideast Pick: Dennis Ross. Though he served under James Baker in the Bush 41 administration I’d … Continue reading

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Tony’s tolerance of terror has limits

The other day the Palestinians condemned two men to death for supposedly “collaborating” with Israel to target terrorists. These men weren’t convicted by Hamas, but by the “moderate” Fatah faction that is in charge of Jenin. Reacting to this story, … Continue reading

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My simple litmus test

Richard Gold of Engage made an amazing discovery when, as a youngster, he thought he is joining an anti-fascist demo, and it appeared that in fact the fascist side is represented (oh the horror of it!) by the socialist British … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics, World | Tagged | 2 Comments

As the WRMEA turns

When I first read about the plight of Gaza reporter Mohammed Omer, I was suspicious. Omer claimed that when he returned to Gaza (via Jordan) after receiving a “journalism” award he was mistreated and beaten by Israel guards. The truth … Continue reading

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Israel: cancelled

Those moderate voices from Iran continue to reverberate throughout the world: Iranian calls for the destruction of Israel are almost routine these days. But for a former official of the Islamic Republic to call for the destruction of the Jewish … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | 1 Comment

Reflexively telling

Yesterday, Boker Tov Boulder aptly observed that following a terror attack: … there’s the attack by the media that inevitably follows. Then there’s the aftermath, in which we can see the results of the first two, usually along the lines … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Terrorism | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Deborah Fink strikes again, or how not to piss on other people’s parade

Never forget that in order to piss on someone (or someone’s parade) you have to be a person of some, how to say it gently, stature. Otherwise the only thing you produce is a small puddle. Yeah, and calling British … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Jews | 2 Comments

Professor Arnd Krüger and his pet conspiracy

Choose an event in the past. The event should be famous enough for any news related to it to reverberate far and wide. The event should be remote enough to make checking the “news” difficult to impossible. Now start manufacturing … Continue reading

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What color is the sky on J-Street?

J-Street has a wonderful new feature that allows you to send a letter to the editor of a local paper to support J-Street’s views. I decided to take advantage. Amy Teibel’s report on the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has … Continue reading

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Good Government Terrorists

Barry Rubin writes about They’re Dictators and Terrorists But What Clean Streets!, after outlining the failures of Fatah, Prof. Rubin lays out the secrets of Hamas’s success. As for Hamas, it possesses three key weapons. The mainstream appeal of extremism … Continue reading

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