Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Pictures = 1000’s of words

On the ceasefire: We have this picture with the caption: An Israeli woman stands outside her damaged house after a rocket fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza landed in the southern town of Sderot And this picture with this caption: … Continue reading

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Anthony Lewis II

Nicholas Kristoff sounds off about The Two Israels. In Kristoff’s simplistic formulation there’s the good Israel and the bad Israel. There are no grey areas. Here’s his take: It is here in the Palestinian territories that you see the worst … Continue reading

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Hamas’s no-cost triumph

Jonathan D. Halevi on what Hamas accomplished. Hamas’ motives have nothing to do with “distress,” but rather with “opportunities” – that is, the objectives it seeks to attain in the international arena and especially in its own internal political arena. … Continue reading

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The whole shebaa-ng

Back in February, 2002, Thomas Friedman trumpeted the Saudi “peace plan” as proposed by then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah: Earlier this month, I wrote a column suggesting that the 22 members of the Arab League, at their summit in Beirut … Continue reading

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Richard Falk – an inmate running the asylum?

It is Fox News turn now to come down as a ton of bricks on my favorite frui professor Richard Falk. Richard Falk, the special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, investigates alleged Israeli violations of human rights … Continue reading

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Israeli oppression and security

Elder of Ziyon observes that a a list of supplies that Israeli has allowed into Gaza during the first half of June shows that the “terrible siege” that Israel has imposed isn’t exactly hermetic. And Israelly Cool shows a photograph … Continue reading

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Not digging peace

An op-ed in Ha’aretz by Meron Benvenisti laments There is no archaeological peace. The subject is a draft agreement among archaeologists to define ownership of archaeological artifacts. Indeed, the agreement has sections that deal with the return of archaeological artifacts … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Eldar hearts walt and mearsheimer

Ha’aretz’ Akiva Eldar starts his paean to Walt and Mearsheimer with this: Shaul Mofaz is not the first star to cast Iran in a part in the political game in Israel. Twelve years ago, in May 1996, on the eve … Continue reading

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Focused like a laser on inanity

Count on the UN to get its priorities straight: UN to discuss resolution demanding that Israel halt West Bank settlement construction Here’s the short reason – via Meryl – that this settlements are irrelevant: In other words, give us everything … Continue reading

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Full of fulbright

Four and a half years ago three Americans were killed as they crossed into Gaza: From the wreckage, it appeared that the explosion had occurred directly beneath the driver’s seat of the second of three American vehicles, ripping off the … Continue reading

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Derfner digs deep

My contempt for Larry Derfner goes back a ways. In the 90’s he was one of the Israel correspondents for every Jewish American weekly. As an extreme leftist, he used that platform to present Israel in the worst possible light. … Continue reading

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Surprise: Tutu blames Israel

Desmond Tutu, having bypassed Israel by sneaking into Gaza via Egypt like the rest of the weapons used by Hamas, has finished his “investigation” into the deaths of Palestinians in Beit Hanoun. Of course, it was the usual by-the-book investigation, … Continue reading

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The pariah

From the Times of London (h/t Backspin) Some Israelis object to this program. They remember that Saddam Hussein fired Scuds into Israel during first Gulf War and find it offensive that Iraqis now seek their help but had no objection … Continue reading

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How significant was the al-Dura verdict?

Richard Landes comments on the court’s decision in the Karsenty/Enderlin case. Generally speaking, I think this is a devastating decision. The judges go out of their way to criticize everyone involved on the side of France2 (including some backhanded swipes … Continue reading

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Amy Winehouse in, Norman Finkelstein out

The Shin Bet security service detained and deported an American Jewish professor who is a prominent critic of the Israeli occupation when he landed at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Friday. There are some official reasons for booting the creep out, … Continue reading

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