Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

Karsenty on his win over France 2 on the Al-Dura hoax

From an email I received today: Philippe Karsenty gave the following statement regarding his victory: “Today a French court ruled that I did not defame France 2 when I said that its news report was a staged hoax. Because I … Continue reading

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Update on the Al-Dura case

A source has told me that Philippe Karsenty has won his case against France 2. I’ll post further information when I get it, but this is a pretty well-connected source. This is huge. Update: Carl has more.

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Knowing that the verdict in the Karsenty-Enderlin trial is due today, I looked for some news. But when I googled “Karsenty” I got precisely one result in the news section. It had to do with a talk Phillipe Karsenty gave … Continue reading

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We know what’s best for you 2

Jeffrey Goldberg nearly breaks his arm patting himself on the back for his op-ed article Israel’s America problem. My op-ed in the Times has provoked a certain amount of unhappiness in people who believe it to be an attack on … Continue reading

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We know what’s best for you

Jeffrey Goldberg know what ails Israel and tells us in Israel’s America Problem: When I spoke to Mr. Olmert a few days after his meeting with the Conference of Presidents, he made only brief mention of his Diaspora antagonists; he … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Palestinians lie to PHR; cancer patient alive

Last month, it was all over the news how the evil Israelis are killing Palestinians by refusing to allow them to enter Israel even for medical reasons. From Ynet: A Palestinian father of six who was diagnosed with a brain … Continue reading

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Jimmy Carter’s comment is content free

Jimmy Carter in the Guardian’s Comment is Free section: The world is witnessing a terrible human rights crime in Gaza, where a million and a half human beings are being imprisoned with almost no access to the outside world. An … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

“Evolution” = “growth”

One of the thing conservatives like me marvel at is the way the supposedly objective media will describe a conservative politician who adopts liberal positions as having “grown” in office. It doesn’t really mean that the politician became more flexible, … Continue reading

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Packaging nakba

The earliest reference I can find to the term “Nakba” (or “Naqba”) in the New York Times is this article, from Israel’s 50th birthday, a decade ago. So for 50 years, the NYT didn’t see fit to use the term … Continue reading

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Follow the useful idiots

There’s a group called Follow the Women that’s organized a bike ride through the Middle East in the name of peace. Here’s what a participant wrote last month: Nearly 250 women, representing 30 nationalities from mostly Europe and the Middle … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon, Syria | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

British MP: Israel wants to be hurt

A British MP who experienced a kassam rocket attack first-hand took away a lesson that makes me wonder if his wife dons leather boots and whips: An MP who last month came under Kassam rocket fire has said he believes … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 6 Comments

Swiss pissed at 60 miss

The Swiss are upset because Israel didn’t invite any members of the government of Switzerland to Israel’s 60th birthday celebration. Hm. I wonder why. The relationship between Israel and Switzerland has been strained since a recent visit by Calmy-Rey to … Continue reading

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Live action naqba cartoon

How do the Palestinians commemorate Naqba?With a play, of course. LGF in And now the Nakba dwarf describes the scene. … a malignant dwarf with an automatic rifle, dressed as a stereotype Jew. Snapped Shot (and a h/t for alerting … Continue reading

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Hey, they are not celebrating our Independence Day!

With the same inevitability as the increase in terrorist attacks and rocket scientists’ activity toward Jewish and Israeli holidays, the so called Jewish anti-Zionists get restless during the period. The phenomenon usually manifests in a joint letter, published in a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Juvenile Scorn | 2 Comments

Extra! Extra! in Abu Dhabi

There’s a new paper in town! ONE of the Middle East’s wealthiest ruling families has a new asset: The National, a newspaper that promises independence from its royal owners.The paper, an English-language daily based in Abu Dhabi, published its first … Continue reading

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