Category Archives: Israel Derangement Syndrome

A must-see

Martin Himel made a documentary concerning the Concordia riots that prevented Benjamin Netanyahu from speaking on campus. The rioters were Muslim students and their allies. Watch, and be angered and horrified. The whole thing can be seen here. Via LGF.

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Jimmy Carter, outrage redux

Just when you think Carter can’t become any more of an asshole, he lowers your expectations and proves you wrong. Now he’s telling Jews how to be Jews. He said that yesterday while insisting that his redefinition of “apartheid” to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 16 Comments

Ahmadinejad called me the devil

Yes, that’s right. The president of Iran says I am the true incarnation of Satan. Damn. I had no idea I was this powerful. What’s that? He meant “Jews,” not Zionists? Well, I’m Jewish. What’s that? He meant “Israelis,” not … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 6 Comments

The son of a rabbi aids the rabble of Jew-haters

I told you, the moment that book hit the presses, that it would feed into the insane Jew-hatred that suffuses the world. I said the David Dukes and the Jew-hating Muslims would leap on it as an authoritative source, proof … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 3 Comments

Fisk lied. Who could predict that?

So it turns out that Fisk lied again, by jumping the gun with accusations that were utterly unfounded, and ultimately disproven, about Israel using depleted uranium. Who cleared Israel? The Lebanese. The Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission has ruled that no … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 4 Comments

Stage-managing the Temple Mount ramp riots

There was a riot about the Temple Mount ramp dig in Kashmir. At first glance, you might think: Kashmir? Who cares? Keep reading. Police fired teargas in Indian Kashmir’s main city on Friday to disperse hundreds of people protesting against … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Religion | 3 Comments

Poisoned Zionist Balloons: Update 3

Just when you thought the Poisoned Zionist Balloons story couldn’t get any dumber—or evil—our pals in Iran prove you wrong. Israel Massacres Lebanese by Poisonous Balloons TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Genocide by poisonous balloons is the new method employed by … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 2 Comments

From the comments: The Lebanese Daily Star responds

A representative of the Lebanese Daily Star responds to my last post on what I am calling the Poisoned Zionist Balloons: You are right to point out how absurd it is for Lebanese to get so paranoid about a few … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 5 Comments

More on the poisoned Zionist balloons in Lebanon

Remember that post about the poisoned Zionist balloons I wrote yesterday? Just when you think it can’t get more ridiculous, it does. The AP released photos spreading the lies about the “poisoned balloons.” Today’s collection of Poison Zionist Balloons links: … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Israel Derangement Syndrome | 11 Comments

IDS in action: Jews and poisoned balloons

The Lebanese “official” newspaper published an insane article about the IDF dropping poisoned balloons on Lebanon. Beirut- Eight people were hospitalized Saturday after inhaling toxic gases from poisonous balloons dropped by Israeli warplanes over Upper Nabatiyeh in southern Lebanon, the … Continue reading

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Zionists: “giving goal in free field”.

This is not about football (soccer for some of you). The story as told by B.Ali of Kavkaz Center Letter department unfolds a new page in the sinister plot by Zionists, a “silent and soft aggression and backdoor invasion” in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Satire | 6 Comments

Kenneth Stein on Carter

Kenneth Stein spoke about his decision to quit the Carter Center after publication of the odious “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid.” The LA Times has an in-depth article of what Stein told an audience at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. In … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 2 Comments

So I have to ask myself…

I got a commenter who says s/he was at a Bi’ilin “protest.” These are the weekly protests held by the ISM, palestinians, and their buddies, wherein they go to forbidden military areas, or try to cut down the security fence. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 4 Comments

Oh, look. Another anti-Israel office at the UN

Color me shocked, shocked, I tell you. The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelmingly Friday to establish an office to register Palestinian damage claims stemming from Israel’s construction of a barrier in the West Bank. Israel and the United States strongly … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, World | 4 Comments

Too too bad, Tutu

Looks like Desmond Tutu isn’t going to get another round of Israel-bashing after all. Israel has blocked a U.N. fact-finding mission to the Gaza Strip that was to be led by Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu, officials said Monday. Tutu was … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome | 5 Comments