Category Archives: Lebanon

The Obama administration’s contribution to the election in Lebanon

I expressed some skepticism towards the claim that President Obama’s Cairo speech helped boost the prospects of the March 14 coalition. I also offered my own suggestion that perhaps the speech scared Christians into voting for the coaltion. Max Boot … Continue reading

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The morning after the morning after three years later

Snoopy noted a Bradley Burston column in the wake of Israel’s war with Hezbollah in 2006 in which Burston wrote (the link to Ha’aretz has expired): When this war is over and Israel’s troops are gone from Lebanon, and when … Continue reading

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Hezbollah loses (for now)

Tony Badran has a complete roundup of the results of the Lebanese election. It features of names that I’m unfamiliar with, but will be of interest with those who have a detailed knowledge of Lebanese politics. This is from his … Continue reading

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Experts know best

Barry Rubin has some fun critiquing credulous reporting on the upcoming Lebanes elections. More seriously, Amir Taheri considers the possibility of a Hezbollah victory: If Lebanon comes under Iranian control it could become one arm of a pincer — the … Continue reading

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Der Spiegel, Zionist tool

In case you’re wondering why Nasrallah’s response to the charge in Der Spiegel that Hezbollah was responsible for Rafiq Hariri’s murder, is that Der Spiegel is a Zionist tool, read Michael Totten’s take. “[I]f (the majority) uses the report against … Continue reading

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U.S. arming Hezbullah for next war with Israel

America has apparently learned nothing since training and arming the PLO, which then used that training and those weapons to murder Israelis. Now, we’re going to send some pretty intense weaponry that will end up in the hands of Hezbullah. … Continue reading

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Nasrallah blames Israel for all the ills of the region

These are the words of the man who, in the coming months, you can expect the EU, UN, and left-leaning US crowd to call for Israel to negotiate with. Because Hezbollah, they will say, is moderating. Or because Hezbollah is … Continue reading

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I’m kinda fonda Jane, I’ll missa

Earlier this month delegates from all over the world got together in Geneva for a conference on xenophobia, racial discrimination and racism. When the United States and some European nations boycotted the proceedings, Representative Barbara Lee objected: Those who supported … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hariri suspects freed

The BBC reported yeterday that the UN’s special tribunal investigating the assassination of Rafiq Hariri has released four Lebanese generals it had been holding as suspects in the assassination. The UN court was set up to investigate the bomb attack … Continue reading

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You look like a monkey…

Egypt’s war of words with Hassan Nasrallah is escalating, and the laughs just keep on coming. An Egyptian state-controlled newspaper escalated Egypt’s dispute with Hizbullah on Sunday by calling its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, a “Monkey sheikh.” The state-owned al-Gomhouria newspaper … Continue reading

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Israel and the media: Tunnel vision, blindness, or outright bias?

Yesterday, the Israeli press carried Hassan Nasrallah’s recorded speech released on Mohammed’s birthday. It’s a pretty important speech, you would think, since Britain has recently announced that it is seeking to establish ties to Hizbullah. And it’s a very important … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Your weekend AP anti-Israel bias

A headline is worth a thousand words. See if you can find the AP headline without using your mouse. Second prize for anti-Israel media bias goes to CNN. 2 rockets fired from Lebanon towards Israel Rocket from Lebanon wounds three … Continue reading

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Hamas feeling the PR pinch, 1: Hamas gave back the aid it stole from the UN, mostly because for the first time ever, the UN complained about it. Oh, and UNRWA stopped all aid going into Gaza because of the … Continue reading

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Iran opens a second front?

Did Iran order Hezbullah to shell northern Israel yesterday? A Katyusha barrage was fired Thursday at the Nahariya area in the Western Galilee. Police reported that two people were lightly wounded and evacuated to the local hospital. Several residents were … Continue reading

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Is the price of oil keeping Hezbullah peaceful?

Oil is sticking around $40 a barrel (it closed at $39 and change today). Iran is in trouble. Iran’s president presented parliament with a sweeping economic package Tuesday that calls for scrapping costly state subsidies for fuel, water and electricity … Continue reading

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