Category Archives: Lebanon

The word of scum

Last week Elder of Ziyon noted a report by David Bedein, that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev had been captured alive by Hezbollah, and concluded that, therefore, Hezbollah must have murdered the two. After some commenters (myself included) noted that … Continue reading

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Why weren’t the soldiers declared KIA two years ago?

Lynn reminded me of an article from a few weeks ago detailing how the IDF pronounced Eldad and Goldwasser killed in action. “During the incident and the injury, the (first) missing soldier was wearing the examined bullet-proof vest… The damage … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | Tagged | 1 Comment

Ban Ki-Moon can’t read, can’t remember his own words

Ban Ki-Moon is hailing the exchange of live prisoners for dead Israeli soldiers as the “completion” of part of UNSC 1701. The secretary general conveyed his heartfelt condolences and said he is deeply satisfied that the humanitarian aspects of Security … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, The Exception Clause, World | Tagged | 2 Comments

Kuntar release roundup

Boker Tov Boulder lists a number of prisoner releases and some of the crimes committed by the released terrorists. Elder of Ziyon finds that the “moderate” country of Lebanon is celebrating the release of the murderer Kuntar. Israel Matzav looks … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Linkfests, Terrorism | Tagged | 8 Comments

“horribly wrong”

From the NYT: Hero’s Welcome Expected in Lebanon for Captive of IsraelPerhaps Israel’s most reviled prisoner, Samir Kuntar, will return to a hero’s welcome when he crosses into Lebanon this week, 29 years after he left its shores in a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

One small request for the prisoner transfer

I have one tiny request of just one of the IDF soldiers that will be escorting Samir Kuntar to the prisoner exchange. The deal will take place as follows: Kuntar and the four other prisoners were transferred from jail to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hezbullah wins

Hezbullah didn’t even have to hold up its end of the deal fully, and yet, the prisoner exchange is going ahead. The Israeli Prison Service transferred Monday morning four of the Lebanese prisoners slated for release in the framework of … Continue reading

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Both sides of the story do not equal truth

One of the things that is extremely puzzling about any AP report on Samir Kuntar is why the AP insists on presenting Kuntar’s side of the story as if the facts were disputed. In every story about the Lebanese prisoner … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism | Tagged | 3 Comments

Breaking: Samir Kuntar to be freed

Looks like Israel is creating more reasons for Hezbullah, Hamas, and other terrorists to kidnap more Israelis. They’re freeing Samir Kuntar and other Lebanese prisoners for what is now declared the corposes of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. The cabinet … Continue reading

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The price of appeasement

Israel appeases Hamas by entering a truce with them, and Hizbullah gets the message: Israel is a pushover. Hizbullah has returned to its original demand that Israel release not only several Lebanese prisoners but also hundreds of Palestinian ones in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The whole shebaa-ng

Back in February, 2002, Thomas Friedman trumpeted the Saudi “peace plan” as proposed by then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah: Earlier this month, I wrote a column suggesting that the 22 members of the Arab League, at their summit in Beirut … Continue reading

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The true obstacles to peace

The true obstacles to peace in the Middle East are not settlements. The obstacles are the thugs ruling the Arab states that refuse to ever compromise. First, Syria says Israel can forget about peace until AFTER she gives up all … Continue reading

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Leveraging – reloaded

Earlier I wrote about Thomas Friedman’s column, It’s all about leverage. In retrospect the construction of that post was awkward and needs a real makeover. Friedman, is capable of astute observations. In his op-ed today he argue that Iran, Syria … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias | 2 Comments

AP misinforms the world

Two versions of the same story went out about the Hizbullah/Israel trade of remains for a prisoner. In the earlier version, the background on the Samir Kuntar story went like this: A larger swap is extremely emotional for Israelis because … Continue reading

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Trade in human body parts according to Hizballah

The magnanimity and generosity of Sheik Nasrallah (PBUH) doesn’t know borders. Red Cross confirms receiving box which Shiite organization claims contains body parts of Israeli soldiers killed in Second Lebanon War, following release of convicted Lebanese spy Nissim Nasser from … Continue reading

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