Category Archives: Lebanon

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate: No war on the horizon, yet

The Israeli Intelligence Estimate is being previewed by Ynet. Some of the more interesting tidbits: Israel’s strategic position has improved in the last year- but with it also the military capabilities of its enemies: the Qassam threat has worsened- and … Continue reading

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Syria’s quid pro quo for Annapolis

Here’s what the Dorktator took away as a lesson for his sending a representative to Annapolis: A car bomb attack killed one of Lebanon’s top generals and at least two other people Wednesday, the military and state media said, putting … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Syria, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Majority by assassination

While the Bush administration focuses its hopes for peace in the Middle East on a peace of paper, David Schenker writes of the disturbing developments to Israel’s north in Lebanon’s government by murder Presidential elections — which began on Sept. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Syria | 1 Comment

The long winter of Nasrallah

Many bloggers more worthy than your humble servant already covered the latest performance by Nasrallah the famous Lebanese groundhog. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah accused Israel of being behind the assassination of Lebanese politicians and urged feuding parties to agree on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

Did Israel get its groove back?

In recent weeks Israel’s apparently carried out two spectacular raids that brings back memories of times passed. Mere Rhetoric observed And Israel specifically still needs to be able to convince its enemies that not only can it use its tanks … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 2 Comments

What’s going on in Israel?

So there was a disputed IAF flyover in Syria, which no Israeli politician is talking about. Terrorists tried—and failed—to kidnap more Israeli soldiers (because gee, that’s working out so well for Hamas and Hezbollah now, isn’t it?). And Ban Ki-Moon … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 4 Comments

BBC lies about Hezbollah

Mike covers the story, so I don’t have to: It is, of course, impossible to ascertain how many of the Lebanese casualties were civilian and how many were Hezbollah, given that Hezbollah hid and fought among civilians, its fighters often … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Chuztpah dept., Hezbollah style

First they send rockets into Israel, cross the border illegally, kill Israeli soldiers, and kidnap two, of whom we’ve received absolutely no proof of life. Now, Hezbollah is going to sue Israel—for the war that they started. Hezbollah is planning … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon | 3 Comments

What’s behind the Hezbollah sign

The people who put up the Hezbollah sign in Windsor, Canada, say they achieved their purpose. The controversial billboard depicting Hezbollah’s leader has disappeared, but one of the men responsible for the sign says it’s not because they’re backing down … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Supporting terrorism, one billboard at a time

Some of Windsor, Canada’s Lebanese community has decided that they speak for all Canadian Lebanese immigrants and have put up a billboard of Hizbollah featuring Hassan Nasrallah, and claiming that Hezbollah wants peace. Members of the Jewish and Lebanese Christian … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Chickens come home to roost

This is what you get for letting terrorism grow unchecked within your borders: Al Qaida-inspired militants battling the Lebanese army for more than 10 weeks hit a main power station in north Lebanon with Katyusha rockets on Thursday, disrupting electricity … Continue reading

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Nasrallah taunts Israel from secure, undisclosed location

The great, brave leader of Hezbollah, who was hiding in some underground bunker somewhere, afraid to show his face, told Israel that she had achieved none of her objectives during last year’s war. Proof again that the Arab/Muslim world seems … Continue reading

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Hezbollah good news/bad news

The good news is they haven’t managed to penetrate as many Fatah cells as they’d like. The bad news is they’ve restored their long-range missile capability. Yeah, that arms embargo and the UNIFIL troops have proven so effective, it makes … Continue reading

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Hide and seek with UNIFIL

One of the successes of the Second Lebanon War that Olmert points to is the fact that Hezbollah said no to international peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, and they were sent anyway. How successful has this big success been in disarming … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon | 1 Comment

The UN discovers that UNIFIL is impotent

UN SecGen Ban Ki-moon has issued another futile, toothless statement about Syria, Lebanon,and Hizbullah. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on Syria and Iran to respect an arms embargo on militias in Lebanon and urged Damascus, in a report issued on … Continue reading

Posted in Lebanon, Syria | 1 Comment