Category Archives: Gaza

Tuesday snark briefs

And the AP is so disappointed: Israel navy halts Gaza-bound boat without violence. If you read the article in full, you will note that the AP puts objectivity to ridiculous ends by inserting the new boilerplate description of the Mavi … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Monday morning briefs

So long, Turkey[s]! Israelis used to vacation in Turkey in the hundreds of thousands. Not anymore. They’ve shifted their tourist dollars to Greece. The irony meter is off the charts on this one: Turkey invaded, split, and colonized Cyprus, all … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Turkey | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Gaza flotillas: Now bringing aid to those who need none

After the world outcry following the Mavi Marmara incident, Israel relaxed the Gaza blockade to the point where even building materials have been sent. The world media finally stopped pretending that there is a humanitarian crisis and redefined Gazans in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Thursday briefs

I’m shocked, shocked, that the UN is condeming Israel again: I know my readers are going to have a hard time believing this, but the UNHRC report on the Gaza flotilla incident condemned Israel for “incredible violence.” Also for being … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment


The Russians aren’t coming! The Russians aren’t coming! The Russians have frozen the sale of S-300 air-defense missiles to Iran, since it is in violation of UN sanctions. Not to worry, though. Iran can just buy them through Syria now, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Catchup briefs

Amazing how much stuff they can get through those tunnels: That’s funny, I thought Gazans were having a humanitarian crisis: The IMF says that the Gaza economy grew by 16% so far in 2010. Maybe it’s because there never really … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Late Monday briefs

Gaza moderation watch: Yeah, those Hamasniks totally moderated since they had to run Gaza and make sure things like the garbage got taken care of. Because now even Christian women have to wear the hijab at Al-Azhar University. Those guys … Continue reading

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Erev Rosh Hashana briefs

So cemeteries aren’t such holy ground after all: The Islamists in Israel freaked out over a claim that Israel is building over a Muslim cemetery. (They’ve even put up fake headstones to “prove” it is an active cemetery; it is … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, News Briefs, Religion | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

J Street smears ECI: It’s all about lack of context

J Street knows that the Emergency Committee for Israel is hitting nerves. Joe Sestak has now refudiated signing a letter to Obama urging the lifting of most of the Gaza blockade. So what is J Street doing? Lying by omission. … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israeli Double Standard Time, Politics | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Friday three-day weekend briefs

It’s a three-day weekend for me. I took the day off. Sarah is going to help me put together my new computer desk. That would be because I know which end of a screwdriver to hold, and how to turn … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, The One | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The starving Gazan myth respun

Piggybacking on the latest media spin that Gazans weren’t really starving, but they’re being humiliated, the AP puts out a story about the narrative being challenged. The AP does its job perfectly, making sure that you realize that the Gaza … Continue reading

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Today Ethan Bronner of the New York Times reports on his trip into Gaza. You see in recent months embarrassing reports have come out that have suggested that perhaps poverty in Gaza was not nearly as bad as advertised by … Continue reading

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Hamas says Abbas Cannot Represent the Palestinians

Isn’t it exciting that the Israelis and Palestinians are meeting in direct talks to tell each other the same thing that they have been saying for the months now indirectly? Direct talks certainly hold more possibilities for progress, but also … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Thursday briefs

Saudi Medieval Punishment Watch: If you think Islamic “justice” can’t get much more disgusting than stoning a person to death, you’re wrong. A Saudi judge wrote to several hospitals asking them if they would sever a criminal’s spinal cord in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media, Saudi Arabia | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

A balanced report on the Mavi Marmari incident

Kudos to the British television programme (spelled this way in honor of their objectivity) for a balanced report on the Mavi Marmara incident. Via Goldblog. The producer of Panorama? The BBC. Whoa. That’s TWO balanced BBC pieces in one week, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Turkey | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments