Category Archives: Gaza

Monday briefs, rocket attack version

The IDF is learning: This time around, the IDF is immediately releasing videos of terrorists shooting rockets and drones hitting weapons warehouse. I don’t know why I can’t see the video on Ynet, though, as I don’t know what the … Continue reading

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Media bias as the rockets fall on Israel? Yeah, we got that

There’s so very much material, one hardly knows where to start. The Guardian: At least 15 killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip have killed at least 15 people in an escalation of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Israel under fire from Gaza

The IDF took out some major terrorists, including some that were released in the prisoner swap for Gilad Shalit. The result? Southern Israel under heavy fire: Four people were wounded after a rocket exploded in southern Israel’s Eshkol region Friday … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Wednesday briefs

An unnamed source said it in a stolen email, so it must be true: My bullshit detector is pinging at Over-the-top on this story that Russia and Israel exchanged missile and drone codes. Really, Stratfor was a bit of a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Politics, Religion, Syria, United Nations | Comments Off on Wednesday briefs

Friday news roundup

If you’re not reading Barry Rubin, you’re not informed about the Middle East: I haven’t pointed you to any of Barry’s writing lately, but you should just go to his column at PJ Media and scroll down. Also check out … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, The One | 3 Comments

Wednesday briefs

If you’ve lost Joe Klein, you’ve lost Middle Europe: When even Time magazine correspondents are commenting on how crappy the deal between Fatah and Hamas is, you know that it stinks really, really, really badly. Check the skies for flying … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, palestinian politics, Syria | 2 Comments

The Hamas world tour: An end run around Fatah

So, the great Hamas/Fatah makeup session? Yeah, it was for show–again. And it’s over–again. But it was never more than show to begin with. Four senior Fatah officials complained over the weekend that Hamas authorities banned them from entering the … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

End of the work week briefs

But–but–Karl Vick said that Hamas and the PA would move towards peace! Ismail Haniyeh continues his Islamist victory tour of the Middle East (a.k.a. the “Show me the money!” tour), greeting cheering crowds in Tunisia and telling the AP that … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, The One | 1 Comment

Thursday, briefly

Woo, what a great ally! Turkey says if there’s an attack on Iran, it won’t be from Turkey. Yeah, we kinda knew that, what with Turkey refusing to allow American forces to pass through Turkey on their way to Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Gaza, Hamas, Holocaust, Syria, The One, Turkey | 2 Comments

Friday pre-three-day weekend briefs

Religious Jews tell the Beit Shemesh nutjobs off:’s editors wrote a great letter about the jerks who spit on a little girl who wasn’t dressed they way they wanted her to be dressed. How dare you call yourself a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Jews, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Celebrating Christmas in Gaza and Israel

The Guardian is waking up to the fact that Gaza is ruled by an Islamic theocracy that doesn’t allow the dhimmis within its midst to celebrate their religion. There hasn’t been a Christmas tree in Gaza City’s main square since … Continue reading

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Friday morning crazy weekend briefs

Reaping the storm: They sowed the whirlwind. Bashar al-Assad bankrolled plenty of suicide bombers in Baghdad. Now he has them in his own backyard. We should start a countdown clock for The Fall of the Dorktator. And the spin begins: … Continue reading

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Hamas senior got lost in the tunnels

The news appeared in Maariv’s Hebrew weekend edition on Friday Dec 16. Maariv, using Palestinian Pal Press as their source, tells that Tahr Atwa, a senior Hamas functionary and a part-time commander in Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades left Gaza five … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Late Monday briefs

So, how much you figure he paid his people to vote for him? Oh, look. A little-read magazine touts an online poll as “person of the year,” and it turns out it’s: Turkey’s prime ministerErdogan, the man responsible for bringing … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Terrorism | Comments Off on Late Monday briefs

Friday briefs

So, how’s that 1701 working out for you? Hizballah is still targeting UN peacekeepers, this time probably for telling the world that the rockets fired last week were in violation of UNSCR 1701, which forbids arms and weapons south of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Media Bias, Middle East, Syria, The One | 3 Comments