Category Archives: Iran

Hezbollah’s next milestone?

Close to a year and a half ago, Meryl observed a news report that despite Security Council resolution 1701, Hezbollah was three times as strong as it had been during its war against Israel in 2006 leading her to snark: … Continue reading

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Tuesday Snark Briefs

Hey, Jim Jones can use this as his next joke line: So the underwear bomber fired at a Jewish star, a British flag, and the letters “UN.” Huh. That sort of undermines Obama’s “a Qaeda is fighting for a Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, News Briefs, Terrorism, The One | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Targeting the wrong nuclear program

Here, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with the world: They intend to pressure Israel on nuclear weapons using the concept of a nuclear weapons-free Middle East. The Reuters article carries many worrying issues, but this is the most … Continue reading

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Obama: Order up for Mad Mahmoud

It’s yet another day of antagonist militarism—one might even say unabashed hegemony—in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as Barack Obama likes to call the terrorist state, and this quote of his leaped out at me. Ahmadinejad also urged the U.S. … Continue reading

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Two weeks ago David Ignatius wrote: In retrospect, it seems clear that the step-by-step approach was a mistake: Constructive ambiguity, in this case, proved destructive. It allowed the Israeli right wing to perpetuate the idea that it could have it … Continue reading

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Wednesday briefs

Words that bite: So you think Obama and his aides will call out Iran for this? Netanyahu “insults” the Obama administration by breathing while a bureaucratic announcement of 1,600 new apartments in Jerusalem goes out. Iran actually insults Obama. “Mr. … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, The One | 2 Comments

The next round in the Obama-Netanyahu fight

Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that he will not be agreeing to a freeze in building Jerusalem. Let the next round begin. The Mimouna celebrations, a traditional North African Jewish holiday held a day after Passover has long become a … Continue reading

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Sunday morning briefs

Yeah, it’s just like anti-Semitism: Some fool priest compared criticism of the Catholic Church’s reaction to priests’ sexual abuse of the children in their parishes to “collective violence” against Jews over the centuries. Yeah, because being angry about covering up … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


Obama’s Syrian outreach is working just dandy: Since Obama has named an ambassador to Syria, the results are clear. Syria is now discussing “resistance” with Walid Jumblatt, the man who had to abase himself to his new Syrian overlord in … Continue reading

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The British Dubai hissy fit: The Brits can’t prove the Mossad stole their dual citizens’ IDs, but they’re throwing out an Israeli diplomat anyway. Of course they are. They have to protect their Arabist credentials. This is, after all, the … Continue reading

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Ahmadinejad channels Cabaret

This is almost frightening in its unconscious nod to the portrayal of the rise of Nazis in Cabaret. Granted, Cabaret isn’t history. It’s a movie. But the symbolism of the infamous But compare this: “The government is determined to assert … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Iran | Tagged | 1 Comment

Iranians and Turks with fake Israeli passports

I have read first two reports: by Kateland and by colleague Elder of Ziyon, both based on a Maariv article (in Hebrew). The essence of the reports is that: …three Iranians were caught at an airport in Seychelles trying to … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, World | 3 Comments

Tuesday snarks

The Obama administration is fine with risking Israeli lives: Hey, great! Our vice-president wants Israel to “take risks for peace.” Because it’s not like they, say, gave the PA control over most of the West Bank and Gaza and were … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, News Briefs, The One | 6 Comments

Israel’s Axis of Evil

The heads of Hamas and Hezbullah met in Damascus with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Bashar Assad to plot Israel’s destruction. How is the Obama administration handling the fact that Syria hosted the heads of two terrorist organizations and one terrorist-supporting state? … Continue reading

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Weaning Syria away from Iran

Lots of foreign policy sophisticates have told us that the American way forward in the Middle East is to engage Syria and draw it out of Iran’s orbit. Last week the Washington Post editorialized in response to President Obama’s naming … Continue reading

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