Category Archives: Iran

Wednesday briefs

And the keen grasp of the obvious award goes to: The Asia Times, for a story titled “Iranian hand seen in Gaza escalation” Really? PIJ, which receives money and marching orders from Iran, was under Iranian orders not to stop … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, The One, United Nations | Comments Off on Wednesday briefs

Wednesday news roundup

And yet, in every generation, another enemy tries to destroy us: Marc Tracy in The Tablet on why Iran isn’t Haman, and how the world isn’t trying to destroy Israel. That’s a false choice, though. The whole world isn’t trying. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 2 Comments


This was supposed to go up on Friday. I don’t know what to think about this: Obama is talking tough about Iran to Jeffrey Goldberg, saying he means what he says about Iran not getting nukes. I honestly don’t know … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran | 1 Comment

Yeah, not feeling too confident about Iran

Nope. Not after Obama’s speech. There is no shortage of speeches on the friendship between the United States and Israel. But I’m also mindful of the proverb, “A man is judged by his deeds, not his words.” So if you … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, The One | 3 Comments

Thursday briefs

Racist, apartheid state appoints Ethiopan Jew ambassador: Yes, those horrible, awful, apartheid racist Israelis did it again. They defied the narrative and made an Ethiopian Jew an officer of the state. Oh, but wait–this doesn’t impact the narrative at all, … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Quick Monday links

Hamas is totally out of Syria. Hezbollah is delusional. The Iranians are delusional. (It’s a freaking movie, schmucks.) A ray of light in France? Gee, the Russians don’t want Israel to attack their client state. How–1980s of them. Israel Apartheid … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Lebanon | 1 Comment

Wednesday, briefly

If only they’d all fight each other like this: Iraqi jihadis are now heading to Syria to fight the Assad dictatorship. Of course, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. These are Iraqi Sunnis, the legacy of Saddam … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Syria, Terrorism | Comments Off on Wednesday, briefly

Washington’s Birthday briefs

No, not his actual briefs, because they didn’t wear briefs in those days. And, ew. Yep, Islamists are still trying to murder Israelis: Suuuure, they’re moderating. That’s why the IDF foiled another terror plot on the Egyptian border. And by … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Sunday snowy briefs

Really? The Brits were buying oil from Iran even though they know that Iran is working toward a nuclear bomb? Really? So Iran cutting off exports to the U.K. and France is, what–a waste of time for all involved? Because … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

The AP: Ignore what we said yesterday, it was too pro-Israel

Yesterday, the AP reported that Iran was behind the attempted terrorist attacks on Israelis in Thailand. They even headlined the article that way. Thailand: Iranians’ Targets Were Israeli Diplomats The lead tries to fudge just a little bit by using … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | Comments Off on The AP: Ignore what we said yesterday, it was too pro-Israel

Friday briefs

Our friends the Pakistanis: Get a load of this news item. Pakistan on Thursday stressed the need for multi-faceted cooperation between Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran on the basis of their being close neighbours, to address the numerous challenges and exploit … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Middle East | Comments Off on Friday briefs

Thursday briefs

The Revenge of Hezbollah: So far, it’s a fail, thanks to the tireless work of the Mossad. They foiled an attempt to assassinate Ehud Barak in Singapore. Here’s what really bothers me: How did they get a detailed itinerary of … Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, Turkey | 2 Comments

Wednesday news roundup

The roots of anti-Semitism: Deeper than you think. A new book (which I think I should buy) traces the roots of anti-Semitism and discovers that the Greeks and Romans hated us millennia ago just as much as–well, gee. As much … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Turkey | 3 Comments

Thai officials: Attacks in Thailand aimed at Israelis

This story, whether it is precise in its details or not, reads like a parody of a thriller Laurel and Hardy slapstick: Two suspects have been arrested, and police were in pursuit of three additional suspects. The first arrest is … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Terrorism | 2 Comments

There is no moderation of the Hamas mission

It really doesn’t matter how many news services, pundits, and analysts insist that by joining with the PA, Hamas is going to moderate. They’re not. Just listen to the words of their leader during his recent trip to Iran: Hamas … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics | 5 Comments