Category Archives: palestinian politics

Monday news briefing

About damn time he got it right: Word is Obama won’t focus heavily on Palestinian-Israeli peace talks as an issue for his big Middle East policy speech this week. Perhaps someone finally noticed that even though the media narrative pushes … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Syria | 1 Comment

“Nakba Day” roundup, with extra added media bias

On the anniversary of Israel’s creation by the United Nations 63 years ago, the Arabs are still unwilling to accept the Jewish ties to the land of their origin. Mahmoud Abbas says he will never back down on the “right … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Arab “civilians” invade Israel on three borders

In celebration of “nakba” day, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza all sent thousands of people to storm Israel’s borders. Several were killed and many were injured. This shows how utterly hopeless Obama’s peace efforts have become. The Palestinians are not interested … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Wednesday briefs

More Mel Gibson schadenfreude: “The Beaver” didn’t even make the top 20. “African Cats,” a Disney documentary about lions and cheetahs that’s been out since April 22nd, beat it. “Hoodwinked Too,” the animated sequel to a Little Red Riding Hood … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Late Thursday briefs

Awesome. Hamas just keeps on digging in that deep hole: Now the bin Laden killing is an “atrocity.” No, it was justice, asshats. Something that we all hope for the leaders of Hamas to experience someday. That’s funny, I thought … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Wednesday, briefly

Just recycle my last fifty posts on Carter: Unity agreement, yadda yadda, Israel should accept, yadda yadda, Hamas will moderate, yadda yadda, I certified free and fair elections, yadda yadaa. Blahblahblah, Carter is an imbecile, yadda, yadda, yadda. If bin … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

The getting back to normal briefs

Actions have consequences: The Palestinians are hurting without the tax monies Israel is withholding. And while I don’t deny that Fayyad is right, those are Palestinan monies, well, perhaps you should have stopped to think before getting in bed with … Continue reading

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Hamas making peace with Israel: Yes, in Bizarro World

Only a day or two after Hamas leaders said they’re never going to make peace with or recognize Israel, and that the PA should rescind its recognition of Israel, the man who is evidently behind the unity agreement says Hamas … Continue reading

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TGI Friday briefs

Awww. Seattle anti-Zionists lose again: First they lost the bus ads. Now they lost the billboards. Poor SeaMAC. On top of everything else, they have a really crappy acronym. Passover in Moscow: You know, at my synagogue’s Seder, I met … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics, Religion, Syria | 3 Comments

The myth of the moderation of Hamas, exposed at last

Years ago, when George W. Bush let Condi Rice talk him into allowing Hamas to run for office in the Palestinian territories, Hamas won a significant number of offices. And so the pundit class and the realists and the anti-Israel … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Two states, side by side, living in peace. Yeah. Right.

Once again, the Palestinians have proven how eager they are to live in peace with their Jewish neighbors. (Once again, the AP proves its bias.) A Palestinian policeman opened fire Sunday at a group of Israelis who had come to … Continue reading

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The ten years and nothing’s really changed news briefs

Of course it’s Israel’s fault, it always is: Three UN workers were hurt in a blast in Gaza, and of course, Hamas blames Israel. It might be a kassam that fell short. Oh, and the three UN workers? Most likely … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics, Syria, The One, United Nations | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Wednesday not-yet-sick-of-matza briefs

Because it didn’t work, that’s why: Mahmoud Abbas says he won’t go for another armed intifada. Not because it would be wrong. But because it failed spectacularly, causing Israel to re-occupy the areas of the West Bank that were under … Continue reading

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Uninformed people, understandable. Uninformed journalists, no: So religious Jews wrapping themselves in tefillin and praying is an “elaborate ritual“? Really? Because I’ve seen people put on tefillin, and it’s not all that elaborate. The AP can’t even get something this … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Movies, palestinian politics | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Tuesday briefs

What do you mean, you don’t trust the Palestinians? Netanyahu says the IDF needs to stay in the Jordan Valley. Of course this will get spun as if the Israelis are enacting yet another “land grab” (the AP’s favorite phrase … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, palestinian politics, United Nations | Tagged , , | 1 Comment