Category Archives: palestinian politics

C-i-l-l the Zionist occupiers

In the early 80’s Saturday Night Live had a recurring character, Tyrone Green, played by Eddie Murphy who was a “poet” whose most famous work was “Cill my landlord.” In one sketch, Tyrone shows his versatility, he’s not just a … Continue reading

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Palestinian and “international” “leftist” protesters are being skunked. The police developed this new method for scattering violent demonstrations and tested its effectivity in the last demonstration which took place in the West Bank village of Naalin. Use of the “Skunk” … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

… arrested by his enemy

Ethan Bronner contributes an analysis of the rescue of the Hilles clan by Israel. He gives one explanation why Abbas didn’t want to receive the Hilles clan. In truth, the relationship between the Fatah leadership in the West Bank and … Continue reading

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Bad bets

I*Consult reflects on the recent rescue of a number of Fatah loyalists from Gaza who were saved by Israel over the weekend. He points out that Israel was simply doing something it had done a number of times before and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hello martyr, hello Fatah

Last week a number of bloggers noted that AP had a picture of girls at a summer camp in Gaza. Cute. They were holding a missile aloft. Not so cute. Backspin wonders how many papers carried the picture. Mere Rhetoric … Continue reading

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A passive aggressive national ethos

The other day I commented on a story from the Washington Post that Arab states were failing to fulfill their commitments to fund the Palestinian Authority. Since then a few other bloggers have written about the story as well as … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Ready for a rumble

Yesterday I expressed skepticism that Fatah and Hamas were headed for a civil war. Maybe I was too quick. There are indications that things have indeed heated up. Whether they’ve reached a plateau or will continue to escalate remains to … Continue reading

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Unexplained media bias rips through news outlets

It truly is fascinating to watch the AP bias in reporting about Israel and the Palestinians. Let’s go to an old post of mine first to look at an old AP story about Israel: Israeli Troops Kill 8 Palestinians Israeli … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

Abbas sends condolences—to Hizbullah

Mahmoud Abbas sent his condolences today to the families of the dead soldiers. We learned, after two years of Hezbullah refusing to acknowledge proof of life, that Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are dead. On this day, the president of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 7 Comments

Moderate PA wants to honor mass-murderer of Jews

The “moderates” in the Palestinian Authority would like Israel to hand over the corpse of a female Palestinian terrorist who took part in an attack that murdered 36 and wounded 71. Because they want to honor the mass-murderer. The Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 1 Comment

Israel’s surrender, cont’d.

The terms of the truce are clear. Hamas is to stop all attacks from Gaza. No more mortars, no more kassams, no more attempts to kill Israelis. In return, Israel opens the crossings and sends in more goods. Hamas keeps … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

The world’s worst motivational poster

I’m sure you’ve seen those motivational posters around. (This parody was created by Despair, Inc.’s Parody Motivator Generator.) I saw this picture and thought it must be the world’s least appropriate motivational poster. Israelly Cool! thinks it’s part of a … Continue reading

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This deal keeps getting worse and worse

The Israeli government has decided to swap a live terrorist for two dead soldiers. Former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz is in favor of the deal. And isn’t the price too high? According to Halutz, “Our nation is not like … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

What ceasefire?

Rockets hit Israel again today. And from the PA’s very own Fatah terrorists. A Qassam rocket was fired Thursday afternoon from the Gaza Strip into Israel, exploding in an open area in Sderot’s industrial zone. There were no reports of … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Not digging peace

An op-ed in Ha’aretz by Meron Benvenisti laments There is no archaeological peace. The subject is a draft agreement among archaeologists to define ownership of archaeological artifacts. Indeed, the agreement has sections that deal with the return of archaeological artifacts … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | 1 Comment