Category Archives: palestinian politics

Monday I got up an hour early briefs

Doesn’t matter that the clocks changed, my body clock got me up an hour early. So off to the gym I went. More Palestinian attacks on Israel, now, with less media bias! The AP is on a roll, presenting the … Continue reading

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Friday briefs

Great. The neo-Nazi sites will have an actual news story to use for a change: A U.S. Haredi Jew was convicted of organ trafficking. The fact that the people he bought organs from did it voluntarily and lived afterwards will … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, The One | Comments Off on Friday briefs

The anti-Israel media bias: Nine years and counting

Time for a blast from the past: A Reuters fisking! Let’s look at the headline. Israel, Palestinians to offer peace proposals: Quartet Oh, so the article’s about how Israel and the Palestinians are going to create a basis for negotiation? … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Thursday, briefly

Don’t worry, no one will hold them responsible: Think the New York Times will write an editorial on how Salaam Fayyad isn’t ready for peace? The time is not right for meaningful Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Terrorism, Turkey | 3 Comments

The Times’ moral equivalency on Gilad Shalit

Besides the media constantly calling the ransoming of Gilad Shalit a “prisoner swap,” there have been many irritating moral equivalencies, but none more egregious than this snippet in the New York Times. Both Israel and the divided Palestinian leadership — … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Friday Israel briefs

Ah, the lovely sound of Palestinian terrorists hating on each other: Looks like there’s trouble in prison over the swap. It seems that most of the West Bank terrorists will be heading to other places (and other countries), while most … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 2 Comments

The long weekend make-up briefs

Name one other religion that has to do things like this: 1,000-year-old Torah scrolls from Syria had to be smuggled out, one by one, in order to preserve our Jewish heritage from those who would deny and destroy it—like the … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, Religion, United Nations | 1 Comment

Erev Yom Kippur briefs

No good deed goes unpunished: So when the rebels take over Syria, you think they’re going to remember that China and Russia voted against them in the UN Security Council sanctions issue? Oh, sure, they’re griping now. But the jury’s … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria | 1 Comment

Tuesday, briefly

Gorilla Boy was unavailable for comment: Iran says they’re postponing indefinitely sending a monkey into space. See title. (For newer readers, Gorilla Boy is one of my favorite nickames for Mad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Really, look at his picture. I swear … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, Middle East, palestinian politics, Religion | 2 Comments

The AP fact checks the Abbas UN speech

I’m going to score this one a win, even if I have some quibbles with it. The AP really seems to be working towards being an objective media source. At least, sometimes. (Thanks, Soccerdad!) They fact-checked Abbas’ ass, and he … Continue reading

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Dueling speeches: Abbas v. Netanyahu

Jonathan Tobin has a compare-and-contrast analysis of Mahmoud Abbas’ speech, followed by Bibi Netanyahu’s. In a nutshell: Abbas lied, Palestine died. You can hear (or read) for yourself. A year ago, at this same time, distinguished leaders in this hall … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Happy Fictional Statelet of East Palestine Day!

The inexorable theater of granting a ceremonial state to the people who utterly refuse to negotiate or compromise with Israel is lurching to a close. The AP analysis is all aw-shucks, that guy is working hard for his state, isn’t … Continue reading

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The appalling double standards on Israel and the Palestinians

This is why there will never be peace. Mahmoud Abbas quite plainly is insisting on never, ever budging an inch on Palestinian demands. No to acknowledging Israel as a Jewish state. No to resettling refugees within “Palestine.” No to land … Continue reading

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Wednesday in briefs

Feminists for Palestinians: Working against their own interests. Israel just graduated its first female bomb specialist. And by “bomb specialist,” I mean the non-terrorist version of that job: One who disarms bombs instead of builds them. Compare Inbal Gawi to … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Gaza, Iran, Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics, The One, Turkey | 2 Comments

Late Tuesday roundup

Long day in NorVA today, so these are late. The Palestinian state will not be denied: Mahmoud Abbas is making Obama and the EU his bitches, pushing forward with his plan to unilaterally declare the fictional statelet of East Palestine. … Continue reading

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