Category Archives: palestinian politics

Friday, briefly

Oh, yeah. Egyptians want peace with Israel: The Egyptians are refusing to resume supplying natural gas, for which Israel contracted and is paying, to Israel. The company supplies 45% of Israel’s electricity needs. Say, you think we’re going to hear … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Middle East, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Thursday news briefs

Yeah, but this time, you’ll be boycotted: India.Arie, a singer whom I’ve never heard of ’til today (sorry, I’m just not hip anymore), is releasing her new album with songs in Hebrew and English, in collaboration with Israeli singer Idan … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Lebanon, Middle East, palestinian politics, Terrorism, The One | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Evil Israelis letting Palestinians flee Libya to the PA

Those evil, evil Israelis. They’re just rotten scum who are trying to destroy all the Palestinians, one way or another. The proof? Israel will allow 300 Palestinians living in Libya whose lives are endangered into the Palestinian Authority, Prime Minister … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The WaPo chastises Abbas

I missed this on Friday: Abbas proves he prefers posturing to a peace process PALESTINIAN PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas claims to be interested in negotiating a two-state peace settlement with Israel. For two years he has enjoyed the support of a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, The One | 2 Comments

Sunday news briefs

Smart power! The PA is saying that the U.S. should be “ashamed” of vetoing the settlement resolution. Imagine, if you will, the outrage that would spew if an Israeli official—even anonymously—said the U.S. should be ashamed for anything regarding Israel. … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

U.S. vetoes settlement resolution

Sanity prevails. The U.S. today vetoed a draft resolution in the United Nations Security Council that would have declared Israel’s settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to be illegal and demanded a halt to such activity. U.S. … Continue reading

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Obama’s final betrayal: Selling out Israel

Oil talks. Israel hasn’t got any. The Arab nations do. Though the fact that Israel is America’s truest ally in the Middle East, the fact that the IDF trained American soldiers in city combat to prepare them for Iraq, the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics, The One | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Monday briefs

Barry Rubin, the voice of sanity, on Egypt’s revolution: While a wave of attempts at popular revolution will spread, that doesn’t mean they will succeed. In large part, by the way, the world is under an illusion over Egypt. Mubarak … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics, World | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

So…What if?

Let us for a moment ask, “What if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to control Egypt?” Let us in addition argue that this would not be in the form of an Iran-esque theocracy, but a Turkish style Islamist democracy. I wrote … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, palestinian politics, Saudi Arabia, World | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Palileaks: They’re not passing the smell test

A quick look at the initial reports about al Jazeera’s so-called leaks raises my b.s. meter to its very top. Listen to this quote and tell me you don’t think there’s an effort out to utterly discredit the Palestinian leadership … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

What I’m reading

Thing 1: Yaacov Lozowick illustrates and explains the Shepherd’s Hotel (a.k.a. the dead Nazi’s former home). (Daily Alert linked him, good job, Yaacov!) Thing 2: This is a very interesting look at the Arab mindset, buried inside a New York … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 2 Comments

War is peace; bad is good: Another AP mis-analysis

The AP lowers the bar and calls out the Orwellian language for this profile of how Mohammed Dahlan, terrorist, has become Mohammed Dahlan, the last, best hope for the PA. In the article, we learn that a) Mahmoud Abbas is … Continue reading

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If it’s Friday, this must be the anti-Israel narrative in Bilin

Palestinians, Israeli peaceniks, and various anti-Israel internationals attended their weekly riot against the separation barrier in Bilin. Tear gas was used. A Palestinian woman died a day later, and the media are using this as yet another example of the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Time Magazine: Rhymes with crap

Okay, maybe it doesn’t rhyme. But it is what it is. The magazine that brought you Begin “rhymes with Fagin” is at it again. Remember the guy who wrote the article “Do Israelis Want Peace?” Well, now he’s writing about … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Thomas L. Friedman reader – chapter one

This new endeavor comes to remedy the lack of respect many Thomas L. Friedman readers start to experience after reading two (or, as it was measured, maximum of three) of his articles in NYT. The best remedy is to follow … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media, palestinian politics | 5 Comments