Category Archives: palestinian politics

The French think that Jerry Lewis is a genius

Yossi Beilin the head of a party Israel that couldn’t garner more than three seats in Knesset, is nonetheless loved in France. He just received the French Legion of Honour. So a failure in his own country, Beilin can now … Continue reading

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Someone explain to China the meaning of “chutzpah”: China, the current occupier of Tibet, is telling Israel that adding new apartments to Gilo is an obstacle to peace. Because it’s not like they’re not occupying an entire nation that was … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israel, News Briefs, palestinian politics | Tagged | 3 Comments

Negotiating by tantrum

About two weeks ago when Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he was quitting, Daled Amos observed that this less a dramatic announcement than standard operating procedure noting 14 times that he has threatened to quit since 2003. This isn’t an … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Passively described aggression

In some ways there’s little to quibble with in Howard Schneider’s To two faiths, a holy patch of land; to the world, a powder keg in the Washington Post. It begins: It is one of the most watched pieces of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Ye olde grievance shoppe

It’s hard to match the title A Chronicle of Gaza, in Kitsch Form with the opening paragraph: “I can offer you a discount on the headbands,” said Tareq Abu Dayyeh, souvenir-store owner. “They’re just like the kind used by suicide … Continue reading

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The audacity of nope

In an excellent op-ed, Steve Huntley gives a synopsis of how the Obama administration botched the Middle East. Enter Obama. Rather than adopting a go-slow, build-on-the-past approach to a fragile situation, he did it his way — with a speech. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged | 1 Comment

An unworthy hack

The New York Times had a symposium on Mahmoud Abbas’s resignation. Three of the participants, Rashid Khalidi, Fawaz Gerges, and Daoud Kuttab took the approach that Abbas had his authority undermined by the Americans and has no partner among Israelis … Continue reading

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Tom Friedman urges Bush policy on Israel

Looks like even Tom Friedman has discovered that the secret to Middle East peacemaking isn’t the Obama Way: This peace process movie is not going to end differently just because we keep playing the same reel. It is time for … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

The Arab Lobby: Stronger than the Israel Lobby

So, if the Israel lobby is so strong, how is it that the Arabs got Hillary Clinton to back off her praise for Israel not once, but twice? Why did she soften her praise of Netanyahu’s efforts to reach a … Continue reading

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The Palestinians turn on Obama

This is perfect. You really can’t get much better than this. The Palestinians are blaming Obama for the lack of a peace agreement, instead of, say, their utter refusal to come to the table and discuss things. Palestinian officials on … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, The One | 1 Comment

The Obama Israel policy: Miserable failure

Let us review the Obama administration on Israel. We’ll start with the Cairo speech, which you may not remember was titled “A New Beginning.” The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements. (Applause.) This construction violates … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, The One | 3 Comments

Queers for Palestine: They’re on the wrong side

So, let me get this straight—a gay Palestinian, who has been living in Israel with an Israeli partner for years, gets denied entry to Israel, can’t go back to his home town because he’s already been tortured by the Palestinian … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Religion | Tagged , | 4 Comments

The PA’s torturers: Made in the U.K. (and USA?)

The proponents of peace have declared for years that if only the Palestinians had western-trained security forces, the terrorism would stop. But they didn’t seem to notice that their millions of dollars per year to fund the Palestinian police force … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The passive aggressive peace dynamic

In an odd analysis yesterday, titled Painful Mideast Truth – Force trumps Diplomacy, Ethan Bronner of the NYT wrote: Through relentless commando operations and numerous checkpoints, the Israeli Army ended suicide bombings and other terrorist acts from the West Bank; … Continue reading

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Hamas’ truce cry: We’ll dismantle Fatah. Really, I just love the Fatah-Hamas relationship. It’s so good for Israel and the world. Here’s what a Hamas “spokesman” says about disarming: “It is easier to dismantle the Palestinian Authority than it is … Continue reading

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