Category Archives: palestinian politics

The difference between them and us

Palestinians celebrate attacks on Jews. Gaza’s streets filled with joyous crowds of thousands on Thursday evening following the terror attack at a Jerusalem rabbinical seminary in which eight people were killed. In mosques in Gaza City and northern Gaza, many … Continue reading

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Necessary, insufficient and 16 years late

Last week a number of news organizations focused on the growing security responsibilities of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. Howard Schneider of the Washington Post reported For Palestinian Forces a growing role in the West Bank: Amid a marked … Continue reading

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Diehl me out

Jackson Diehl’s End the Spat with Israel, is a very important op-ed. It’s also interesting that both Diehl and David Ignatius are showing skepticism of the administration’s tactics regarding Israel. That’s not to say Diehl’s column is perfect – it … Continue reading

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Netanyahu’s “new” demand

Howard Schneider reports in the Washington Post on Netanyahu’s Peace Stipulation (h/t Backspin) I suppose what’s disturbing about the article is its portrayal of Netanyahu’s demand as “new.” The documents accepted by Israeli leaders during breakthrough peace talks with the … Continue reading

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Palestinian rejectionism

I saw this headline at Ynet, and my heart leaped. Israelis, Palestinians call for Shalit’s release Solidarity at last? Protest on both sides of fence: Hundreds of demonstrators from all over the country began blocking the Karni, Erez and Kerem … Continue reading

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Your classic AP whitewash of the week

Read it and shake your head in utter amazement at the failure of the AP to explain Arafat’s corruption, which led to his hiding billions in Swiss bank accounts, as well as ignoring his terrorism, ruthlessness, and brutality against any … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

It’s not in Israel’s hands

Meryl writes The unnoticed intransigence vs. the supposed intransigence, which analyzes a recent AP report about the Middle East. Meryl observes: If you read only the mainstream media reports on Israel, you come away thinking that it is the Israelis … Continue reading

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The disposables

Earlier this month Elder of Ziyon noted the story of a Palestinian woman who had been accused of informing Israel about the Palestinian Authority. The real shocker was that the woman turned to Israel after reportedly having been forced into … Continue reading

Posted in Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

If you do it for us, we don’t have to

Isabel Kershner reports Netanyahu backs Palestinian state with caveats: But beyond the idea of a state, he seemed to offer little room for compromise or negotiation. … “Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about negotiations, but left us with nothing to negotiate as … Continue reading

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Jimmy Carter: Not even hiding his hate for Israel any more

Sorry, but when someone says the Palestinians have been suffering ever since 1948, they’re as good as saying Israel has no right to exist. And Carter went far beyond that in a speech to the Palestinians today: “I have been … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

The campaign’s the thing

During the campaign last year, we kept on hearing stories about how supportive President Obama would be of Israel. Those of us who looked at his associations and wondered how someone with his background would be pro-Israel were mocked for … Continue reading

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The pro-Palestinian media

A few headlines about the latest red-on-red infighting. The New York Times: 6 Die as Palestinian Authority Forces Clash With Hamas Note the passive voice in the headline. Six were killed, and yet, in the headline, they “die” in a … Continue reading

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9 years later, still covering for Arafat

Commenter Sassinfras claims that Yasser Arafat begged Ehud Barak when they met at Barak’s apartment, not to allow Ariel Sharon to visit the Temple Mount in late September 2000. This is a dubious claim. Deborah Sontag initially reported on the … Continue reading

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Stall. Wait for pressure. Get concessions. Add some violence. Repeat.

Noah Pollak describes Mahmoud Abbas’s negotiating strategy as described in an interview with Jackson Diehl, as a “Princess Bride strategy.” Diehl seems to get it too as he writes: Abbas and his team fully expect that Netanyahu will never agree … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, palestinian politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Obama peace plan: Pressure Israel, pressure Israel, pressure Israel

It looks like the Chicken Littles may have been right. The Obama camp is calling for Israel to freeze all settlement activity, including building in the suburbs of Jerusalem—which is hardly a “settlement.” Meanwhile Clinton said Obama had “made it … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, The One | Tagged , , | 1 Comment