Category Archives: palestinian politics

Sophomoric oxymorons

A few years ago Thomas Friedman wrote a column, “Wanted: Fanatical moderates.” It was advocating the Geneva Accords, a PR exercise undertaken by Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo and a number of others. The point of the exercise was … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | 4 Comments

Better than them

Three Israeli soldiers have been sentenced to jail for abusing Palestinian prisoners. The Jaffa Military Court on Tuesday sentenced three fighters of the Haruv Battalion to five and a half months in prison after convicting them of abusing two Palestinian … Continue reading

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Ghost of a chance of peace

Some twenty years ago a Palestinian soda company started hiring students from the nearby Yeshiva in Beit El to certify that the soda was Kosher for sale in Israel. It seemed like a good idea at the time but then … Continue reading

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In order to show the progress that the Palestinian police are making, news services often provide pictures of them in amusing physical poses and give a caption that they’re undergoing training. There were a couple of pictures yesterday, that defied … Continue reading

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PA to Israel: By the way, we want an army

So much for two states living side by side in peace. The Palestinians are demanding a militarized “Palestine.” Gee. Whomever would they need to use that army on, I wonder? Despite previous understandings that a future Palestinian state would be … Continue reading

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What makes a pro-Israel president?

In Obama and the Jews Thomas Friedman writes: What does that tell you? It tells me several things. The first is that America today has — rightly — a bipartisan approach to Arab-Israeli peace that is not going to change … Continue reading

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We know what’s best for you

Jeffrey Goldberg know what ails Israel and tells us in Israel’s America Problem: When I spoke to Mr. Olmert a few days after his meeting with the Conference of Presidents, he made only brief mention of his Diaspora antagonists; he … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Does AP stand for “All Palestinian”?

Get a load of this “objective” piece the AP released on the “nakba” celebrations. It’s graf after graf of opinion masquerading as fact. Palestinians marked the 60th anniversary of their uprooting with rallies, sirens and black balloons Thursday – an … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The real Palestinian collaborator

Often you’ll hear Palestinians complaining that Israel was founded due to European guilt over the Holocaust, but since they had nothing to do with the Holocaust, why should the Jews be allowed to create a state that dispossesses them? The … Continue reading

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Fourteen years ago

Fourteen years ago. On May 4, 1994, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat reached agreement in Cairo on the first stage of Palestinian self-rule.The agreement was made in accordance with the Oslo Accords, signed in Washington, … Continue reading

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“Unprepared” – to protect or to attack?

The Washington reports that Palestinian Recruits Hit Streets Unprepared The first class of Palestinian security officers trained under a multimillion-dollar U.S. program to strengthen the Palestinian Authority is deploying to one of the West Bank’s most restive cities without promised … Continue reading

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Live action naqba cartoon

How do the Palestinians commemorate Naqba?With a play, of course. LGF in And now the Nakba dwarf describes the scene. … a malignant dwarf with an automatic rifle, dressed as a stereotype Jew. Snapped Shot (and a h/t for alerting … Continue reading

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Mixed message

Daled Amos asks How long have we been trying to ‘bolster’ Abbas? and answers it showing that bolstering Abbas has been going on for some five years now.One of the actions taken by Israel to bolster Abbas has been to … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Revoking the honors

Backspin notes that Mahmoud Abbas has withdrawn his nomination to honor two terror abettors. The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, the PLO’s highest medal, was meant be awarded in a ceremony in Ramallah Thursday to two female terrorists who helped … Continue reading

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The wages of moderation

via memeorandum Boker Tov Boulder lists many of the ways that the American government is supporting the terrorist activities of the PA. It’s worth adding that though the administration publicly favors isolating Hamas, in fact even the moderate Fatah has … Continue reading

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