Category Archives: palestinian politics

The Palestinian faux moderates: The masks are falling off

The supposedly moderate (and modern) Palestinian Prime Minister, the one who is supposed to make the Palestinians fiscally responsible and who says he needs $5.6 billion over the next three years to do so, more than the Palestinians have ever … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 6 Comments

Palestinians get a free pass to more billions

Once again, the world has shown that the Palestinians need not uphold a single portion of their end of the Road Map, or any other agreement, for the world to fawn at their feet. The sum total of Palestinian Pledge … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, World | 2 Comments

Crude, homemade rockets score three hits in one week

The “crude, homemade rockets” launched by Palestinian terrorists from Gaza nearly every day have wounded three Israelis in three separate incidents this week, including one today that wounded a two-year-old child. A rocket fired by Palestinian terror groups from northern … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, World | 2 Comments

The long Palestinian money trail

Boker Tov Boulder (as noted by Jewish Current Issues, Noah Pollak at the Corner, Mere Rhetoric and Daled Amos) collected a series of news items documenting what has been pledged to the PA over the past 3 years. It’s quite … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The Palestinian control of Nablus

I’ll go you one better, Elder, than just writing about the reappearance of armed “militants” in Nablus, which is supposed to be fully under PA police control. Here are two incidents that occurred in and near Nablus: Smuggled bombs: Two … Continue reading

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Annapolis: The spin is in

And so it turns out that Annapolis has achieved just about nothing. Well, except cause more media outlets, pundits, and world leaders to put the lion’s share of the blame for any failure on Israel. Reuters has a roundup of … Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

An Annapolis quid pro quo?

For the last few months, we’ve been reading article after article about what is coming to be known as the Annapolis folly: The conference where nothing will be accomplished, where the U.S. knows that going in, and where the futility … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Syria | 2 Comments

Abbas offers Israel ‘sea of peace’

Thats’ quoting Al-Jazeera: “If peace comes and the occupation comes to an end, Israel will live in a sea of peace,” he said on Tuesday after meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres, in the Turkish capital of Ankara. I hope … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Bush offers a half-billion for the “moderate” terrorists

From the Washington Post: President Bush has proposed a sixfold increase in aid to the Palestinians, including $150 million in direct cash transfers to the Palestinian Authority, in an effort to bolster the government in advance of a Middle East … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, Politics | 5 Comments

Saudi king insults everyone’s intelligence in Britain

Saudi King Abdullah spoke to the BBC before his trip to Britain and made some amazingly hypocritical statements. Of course, the Beeb couldn’t be expected to call him on them, as the formerly great kingdom submits to the current Kingdom, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 5 Comments

Walking back the cat X 2

According to William Safire “walking back the cat” is a technique used to determine dissent in an otherwise closed government. Intelligence analysts have a technique to reveal a foreign government’s internal dissension called ”walking back the cat.” They apply what … Continue reading

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UNHCR and Brazil vs. UNRWA and all Arab countries

The last group of a total of close to 100 Palestinian refugees who lived in Iraq, but had to flee to the Jordanian desert, have arrived in Brazil. The 25 refugees are being settled in the southeastern state of São … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

To be a free nation living in our land

via memeorandum Coming hot on the heels of reports of dissension in Hezbollah comes the news that not every Palestinian necessarily wishes to live under the PA’s rule. Mark Mackinnon of the Globe and Mail reports that Some Palestinians prefer … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

The British and the Wall

Yisrael Medad points out that the PalArabs are claiming ownership of the Western Wall and notes the claimed basis for this in international law, from a British commission in 1930 that was established in wake of the 1929 Muslim pogroms … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Jews, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Palestinians prove the irridentism is in full bloom

Mahmoud Abbas has dropped the other shoe. He says the Palestinians want Israel to accede to all of their demands. And then maybe—maybe—the Palestinians might do something in return. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday laid out his most specific … Continue reading

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