Category Archives: palestinian politics

Al Qaeda in Gaza

Hamas has joined with Al Qaeda to rid themselves of the “secular” Fatah and turn Gaza into an Islamic state. The time for joking about both sides losing is over. This is really, really bad news for Israel, the region, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 8 Comments

Game on: It’s war

Abbas has let loose the hounds of Fatah. Forces loyal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah were ordered Tuesday evening to defend their positions in the Gaza Strip, and counter a “coup” by rival Hamas Islamists. Hamas, stepping … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 18 Comments

The “infighting” grows to civil war

I’m thinking it won’t be long before the media admit what this really is: A civil war. The AP isn’t ready to say so yet. Hamas gunmen attacked the headquarters of the security forces in northern Gaza, a key prize … Continue reading

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A depressing poll

It seems that my juvenile scorn muscles have been in great need of exercise. Poor, poor, pitiful Pals. They’re all depressed over the mess their democratically-elected government has made of their lives. Ninety-two percent of Palestinians suffer from depression-related anxiety, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

The Palestinian civil war gets more serious

Something tells me that fabled “red line” has been crossed. The war has reached Ismail Haniyeh’s house. Too bad it didn’t reach Haniyeh. Clashes re-erupted in Gaza early Monday when gunmen opened fire in the house of Prime Minister Ismail … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, palestinian politics | 8 Comments

The true face of the boycott campaigners

The following post by Ami Isseroff is copied in its entirety. The message it carries should be spread as widely as possible to show the real motives behind the boycott movement. This matter should be of urgent concern to anyone … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Red on red makes terrorists dead

And it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of terrorists. GAZA (Reuters) – At least 10 Palestinians were killed on Tuesday — eight in one incident — in the deadliest fighting between Hamas and Fatah since the rivals formed a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Things I no longer bother writing about

Well, let’s see. There’s the “Gilad Shalit deal is imminent” stuff. Nope. I don’t bother writing about that, because it’s crap. Israeli reporters know it’s crap, too. Get a load of this lede: A prisoner exchange deal for the release … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, palestinian politics, The Catmage Chronicles | 2 Comments

The EU grows a spine

Miracle of miracles, the EU has decided that Hamas isn’t fooling anyone. EU Says No to Aiding Palestinian Unity Government New Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad has failed to convince the European Union to agree to resume aid to the … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

Burying the news

Funny how neither major wire service can manage to spread widely the news that yet another Palestinian internecine firefight has broken out—this time in Nablus, the West Bank—not Gaza. That means the civil war is spreading. I found the story … Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Palestinian civil war watch: Yeah, we’ve got that

Yes, the “militants” of Hamas and Fatah are still murdering each other without regard to anyone getting caught in the crossfire. Apr 6, 2007 — GAZA (Reuters) – Hamas and Fatah militants clashed in the Gaza Strip on Friday and … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

The real reason behind the sudden “momentum for peace” meme

Khaled Mashaal, the head of Hamas, the organization that has murdered or wounded thousands of Israelis, is in Algeria for something called the 5th International Conference on Qods. Qods is Jerusalem; I expect this conference is yet another gathering of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

And I was right: No changes to the Saudi plan

I really don’t tire of saying “I told you so” on Israel-related issues, because unfortunately, this glass-half-full girl sees a half-empty glass when she looks at Israel’s prospects of peace. Reuters reports that the Arab League will not make the … Continue reading

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Two AP stories; two conflicting sets of facts

First, we have a story written by Salah Nasrawi, regular AP Middle East correspondent, titled “Arabs Said Open to Peace Offer Changes.” Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister suggested Monday that Arab leaders would be willing to consider changes in their 2002 … Continue reading

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Burying the bad news

The wire services are doing their best to bury the fact that a two-year-old and a four-year-old child were killed by Hamas and Fatah over the past two days. You have to search long and hard to find any notice … Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, palestinian politics | 2 Comments