Category Archives: palestinian politics

Monday Islamist briefs

Egypt, enemy, same difference: An Islamist won the presidency of Egypt. He’s already promising to “review” the Camp David Peace Treaty with Israel and increase ties to Iran. Also, Fatah is nervous as hell and Hamas is ecstatic. Awesome work … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, palestinian politics, Turkey | 1 Comment

Quick Friday briefs

What a shocker: Terrorists funding terrorism. The IHH, the Turkish “charity” organization that funded the Mavi Marmara and supplied the terrorists and the weapons to attack the IDF, is under investigation for sending money to al Qaeda. Shocked, shocked, I … Continue reading

Posted in Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, Terrorism, Turkey, United Nations | 1 Comment

Late Tuesday briefs

The incitement that doesn’t exist: One more example of how the Palestinians want to live in peace with Israel. That is, if you ignore the fact that they’re teaching their kindergarteners to blow up Israelis. The hypocrisy of the human … Continue reading

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Friday morning briefs

Censorship? Only Israel can censor journalists: Lori Marcus on how the PA has been silencing journalists for decades, particularly those that report the truth–a.k.a. negative stories–about the PA. And how western journalists are going along with their requests. Speaking of … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria | 1 Comment

Wednesday gloatfest briefs

And it’s Walker for the win: A eleven seven-point victory, but it was “too close to call” according to all the exit polls. Which just goes to show you: Exit polls are bullshit. Changed your LinkedIn password: Millions of passwords … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Middle East, palestinian politics, Politics, Pop Culture, Terrorism, Turkey | 2 Comments

Wednesday news roundup

The hatred only goes one way: A young Israeli mountain climber gave up his lifelong dream in order to save a dying Turkish mountain climber who others were passing by on their way to the summit. So the Turk lived. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism, Turkey | 1 Comment

Friday they just want peace briefs

Sure, the Palestinians want to live in peace with Israel: That’s why they attacked the paramedics who arrived to help their women who got into an accident. Take note: The attackers were Arab Israelis who live in East Jerusalem. News … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, United Nations, World | 1 Comment

Thursday morning briefs

(Let’s hope this time I remember to hit the publish button.) Yeah, but there are still no new elections, are there: The Palestinians are shuffling cabinet members around, and yet, their elections are what, more than two years overdue? But … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Turkey | 1 Comment

Tuesday, briefly

Those wily Jews are using migratory birds to spy on their enemies: Yeah, Israel Derangement Syndrome is in full swing. The Turks report they’ve found the Mossad’s latest secret weapon: A bird with big nostrils. Because it was banded in … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, World | Comments Off on Tuesday, briefly

Monday back home briefs

But the refusal of Palestinians to negotiate does not: The EU says settlements hinder peace. Meryl says: FU EU. World’s largest open-air prison now exports clothing: See title. Faster, please: They stopped drilling in Leviathan. Another year Israel has to … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Comments Off on Monday back home briefs

Always, the anti-Israel bias

Just in case you thought the AP might be reforming: Of course not. Look what it reports as the Palestinian preconditions to peace talks with Israel: Israeli media reported that Israel had called for renewed peace talks without preconditions. Palestinians … Continue reading

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Israel’s historic unity deal

Benjamin Netanyahu has just shown the world how incredibly smart and forward-thinking he is, and how petty and small-minded was Tzipi Livni, the former head of Kadima. Netanyahu and Shaul Mofaz made a unity deal that created the largest coalition … Continue reading

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Lying liars and the lies they tell

Ehud Olmert is blaming “right-wing extremist” money from the U.S. for derailing his lovely little peace plan. And yet, he glosses over Mahmoud Abbas refusing to accept the peace plan Olmert offered while he was still in office. He admits … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | 4 Comments

Friday news roundup

Schadenfreude: It’s a guilty pleasure. Aw, I feel so bad for Turkey. Well, no, really, I don’t. They don’t like S&P downgrading them? They should probably stop concentrating on hating Israel and pushing Islamism and work on their economy instead. … Continue reading

Posted in Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, Turkey, United Nations | 1 Comment

Thursday, briefly

Gee, I wonder who they could have been? “Unknown attackers” murdered 11 Egyptian protesters and wounded hundreds more, while police stood idly by–in front of the Defense Ministry. Hm. That’s a tough one. Who could have the mystery attackers been? … Continue reading

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