Category Archives: Television

Random TV show thought

So, Izzy makes this big long speech at the end of the latest Grey’s Anatomy, where Meredith Grey is lying on a hospital table about to die, and it could be summed up in one sentence: I believe Meredith is … Continue reading

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Why 24 is more of a comic book show than Heroes

I haven’t been watching 24 this year because I watch Heroes and I tape Heroes. One VCR, no Tivo, that means I can watch one show and tape another, but I love Heroes so much I’ve been watching it and … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

Obsession: Firefly

So I started watching Firefly a few weeks after the premiere, and never really got into it when it was on TV. That’s partly because the network never let Joss Whedon actually present Firefly the way it needed to be … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

An anti-drug message from Star Trek

Just say no. Hat tip: My brother Eric.

Posted in Humor, Television | 6 Comments

Scrubs slams scientology

This week’s episode of Scrubs, besides being utterly hilarious, slammed scientology in the bargain. The serious plot is Carla’s post-partum depression. They have another character talk to her, and this was the line that had me laughing so hard I … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Television | 2 Comments

Scrubs, bathroom humor, and a musical!

Just about every silly thing you can thnk of is in this video, a preview of next week’s Scrubs musical episode. The song’s called “Everything Comes Down to Poo.” Y’know, I hear echoes of Sondheim in the musical style. No, … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Television | 2 Comments

Anti-Semitism documentary on PBS tonight

“Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century: The Resurgence,” will be airing on most PBS stations tonight. It’s on at 10 p.m. in the Richmond area. It covers the history of modern anti-Semitism, then jumps into the swamp that is the Arab … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Television | 1 Comment

Heroes thread

The first episode is online now, for those of you who missed it. Time to catch up, and start talking about the show in the comments. My first question: Anyone out there think that Ando is going to wind up … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 11 Comments

What’s wrong with the Gilmore Girls

Besides the fact that Amy Sherman-Palladino is no longer in charge of it, that is. Last night’s episode contained Emily Gilmore using the word “snarkiness” when describing Lorelai’s sense of humor. Emily would not use “snarkiness.” I will not be … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 5 Comments


I have been praising the excellence of the new NBC show, Heroes, all year, particularly to my friend Lynn, who I know only likes to watch good shows. By sheer accident (turning on NBC ten minutes too early), she caught … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 6 Comments

Michael Richards Public Service Announcement

I would like to answer a question that many of you probably are asking today: No, Michael Richards is not Jewish. Michael Richards is not a Jew. As Cosmo Kramer in “Seinfeld,” Richards played one on TV. But he himself … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 14 Comments

Letter from a caveman

You know, the title “Caveman” on an email automatically kicks in my spam detector. But it was from some guy with a normal-sounding name, and I figured I’d take a look at it and see if it was legit. This … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 10 Comments

They could be Heroes

The latest episode of Heroes: Man, they just keep getting better. Shock after shock, surprise after surprise (though it was pretty easy to see the end of the cheerleader’s little jaunt with the quarterback; they telegraphed it a mile away), … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 2 Comments

Lost episode minisummary

So I’m watching last week’s episode of Lost, and some things fairly leap into my mind, but I don’t want to do the entire episode, which takes, like, an entire hour. So here are some snippets: [IN THE BOAT] Sun: … Continue reading

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New TV season review

I’ve been watching a fair number of the new shows. My opinions, for what they’re worth: Jericho: I really like this one, too. It’s a what-if scenario about what would happen to a small, remote town if someone dropped a … Continue reading

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