Category Archives: Television

Critiquing some of the new TV season

Well, I’ve watched a few of the new shows this week, and have some opinions. Grey’s Anatomy: So glad it’s back. Just as funny and fun and sad and surprising as ever. Really like bringing in Meredith’s half-sister. Really hate … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 9 Comments

The new season of Heroes starts…

in about four minutes. Did you remember? I forgot to keep up on the online comics, but I did what my friend Lynn suggested and just watched the finale again. And I was so right about Nathan and Peter. (Had … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 5 Comments

Palestinian laff-riot of the month

The terrorists in Gaza say they’re going to stop firing rockets at Israel. Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip agreed on Sunday to stop firing rockets towards Israel, a Palestinian official told Ynet. The official said the agreement was … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Television | 3 Comments

9/11, six years later

MSNBC is running the NBC 9/11 original coverage this morning, presumably uncut. The thing that strikes me as most unusual is the way all of the journalists almost completely manage to cover their emotion. Katie Couric actually caught herself about … Continue reading

Posted in Television, Terrorism | 8 Comments

Accept no substitutes

Having caught the last half of an early Gilmore Girls episodes, I am now utterly sure that I will not waste my money on season seven, none of which were written by Amy Sherman-Palladino. You really can tell the difference. … Continue reading

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Fisking the Fisk

Robert Fisk went Troofer last week. And here, on 26h, he’s fisked. Beautifully. Remember, Bobby: The troof will set you free. Via Harry’s.

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HD vs. regular DVD

Okay, folks. I do not own an HDTV. I intend to own an HDTV next year. In fact, I am adding several thousand dollars to the cost of my condo/townhome for the HD widescreen home theater system that I intend … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 7 Comments


Got home after a long day out, and went searching for Gracie, who was in her new hidey-spot: The corner of the spare room, between two bookcases, where it’s very difficult for Tig to bully her. And because I have … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Music, Television | 3 Comments

Hamas calls for Israel’s destruction—again

Hamas calls for Israel’s destruction again. Trust me when I tell you that this will not get major play in the same media that tells us that British MPs, members of the EU, and various other idiots think Israel should … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Television | 3 Comments

Calling Dr. Who fans

Do any of my readers follow the Dr. Who show on Sci-Fi Network? Would you be willing to record the next three episodes and send the tape/DVD to me? My niece is a big fan, but she’s at Interlochen for … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 4 Comments

Hey! There’s a new Babylon 5 DVD coming out!

A new B5 story. Did you know this? I did not know this. I am so out of the loop. Times change. Dangers remain. 10 years after he became President of the Interstellar Alliance, Sheridan prepares for a fateful Babylon … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

Hypocrisy on Aisle Two

Take a look at this YouTube video, which Omri was kind enough to post for me. I haven’t quite figured out what I think about the Maxim Israeli Soldier Swimsuit Issue. On the one hand, good publicity for Israel is … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Television | 8 Comments

Technology rocks

I had one of those “Oh, so THAT’s how you do it!” moments tonight. Found the Firefox extension Video Downloader, and immediately downloaded my current obsessions off YouTube. (Obsession number one is “Waiting for My Real Life to Begin” number … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Television | 2 Comments

But where do the worms go?

There’s a documentary on the History Channel right now. It’s about the history of fertilizer. I caught it as they were discussing bat guano, and stopped at the sight of millions of bats leaving their caves for the night to … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 3 Comments

A musical interlude

This song was running in my head tonight, and I had to hear it. Say what you will about Grey’s Anatomy, but damn, they make good music videos. By the way, Isaiah Washington has been fired. He ticked off the … Continue reading

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