Category Archives: Hamas

The ransom of gilad schalit

In an article about the negotiations between Israel and Hamas over the deal to release Gild Schalit, Ethan Bronner of the New York Times quotes a former Israeli official. Yaakov Perry, former head of the Shin Bet internal security agency, … Continue reading

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Monday SNB

Dershowitz turns up the volume on Goldstone: Alan Dershowitz is calling Goldstone a liar and demanding that he show the data on which he based his accusations that the IDF deliberately targeted civilians. I predict that His Narcissist will ignore … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel | 2 Comments

Sunday Snark News Briefs

The Protocols of the Mullahs of Islam: Iran is buying UN votes against Israel. So I guess Walt & Mearsheimer will write a sequal called The Muslim Lobby, right? The Protocols of the Elders of Islam? No? What? Iran’s expanding … Continue reading

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The perverse equivalence

In a paper on how the term “apartheid” is being used to deny Israel’s right to exist, Robbie Sabel concluces: The Apartheid campaign against Israel has another revealing feature. It rarely deals with the massive abuse of human rights or … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel | Tagged | 3 Comments

The obstacles to peace

Settlements, the conventional wisdom says, are the true obstacles to peace in the Middle East. Not Palestinian intransigence. Not the fact that the Palestinians have been split into two groups—Hamas and the Palestinian Authority—for years. Not the fact that if … Continue reading

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Hamas to Israel: Your refusal to release our murderers is causing us to keep Gilad Shalit hostage. You know, I pretty much don’t have to describe the article after that headline. Israel files complaint with UN; complaint goes into circular … Continue reading

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The non-moderate Hamas: All of Jerusalem is Arab and Muslim

Jimmy Carter, the EU, and various American State Department officials (as well as presidential aides for the last two administrations) all insist that Hamas will moderate. That Hamas will work with Israel to reach some form of agreement. That the … Continue reading

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Hamas’ truce cry: We’ll dismantle Fatah. Really, I just love the Fatah-Hamas relationship. It’s so good for Israel and the world. Here’s what a Hamas “spokesman” says about disarming: “It is easier to dismantle the Palestinian Authority than it is … Continue reading

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The Obama administration and the end of Israeli-Palestinian peace

How clueless is the Obama administration? This clueless: The time has come to relaunch negotiations without preconditions to reach a final status agreement on two states: a Jewish state of Israel, and a viable, independent and contiguous Palestine that ends … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, The One | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Mia Farrow: Newest member of Legion of Morons

It almost makes you like Ruth Gordon in Rosemary’s Baby. Mia Farrow joined the Legion of Morons by denouncing Israel for the Gaza blockade while whitewashing the reason for it. The direct quote about firing rockets into civilian areas (which, … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Snarky, briefly

J-Street Blues: World’s smallest violin concerto for Jeremy Ben-Ami, the anti-Israel pro-Israel guy who can’t get Michael Oren or anyone in the Netanyahu administration to give him the time of day. Hm, let’s think. It’s a supposed pro-Israel lobbying group … Continue reading

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The Goldstone Effect

The Goldstone Commission is having its desired effect. With these few lines in an AP report, it explains exactly why Richard Goldstone was chosen to head the commission. Israeli officials across the board have condemned the report, saying their country … Continue reading

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Barry Rubin responds

In his post, Portraying Hamas, Soccer Dad referred to one of Barry Rubin’s articles. Here is Prof. Rubin’s response: It’s rather strange that you wrote a piece criticizing a Washington Post piece mainly by pointing out I had praised it. … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 1 Comment

Portraying Hamas

Barry Rubin writes about a recent Washington Post article about Hamas: Here’s a good article on Hamas and how it’s a barrier to peace, with no illusions about the group moderating or being misunderstand. The article also points out how … Continue reading

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A story about Gilad Shalit that does not discuss Gilad Shalit

The Christian Science Monitor, a newspaper that has never been a friend to Israel, carries a story with this headline: Israel’s captured youths: Gilad Shalit and a Palestinian girl with braces You would expect it to be a profile of … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments