Category Archives: Hamas

Daily truce violations; daily inaction from Israel

Kassams continue to rain down on Israel daily. Closing the crossings just isn’t enough. What is Barak waiting for? Two Qassam rockets were fired from northern Gaza towards Israel on Thursday afternoon, one of them landed near a kibbutz in … Continue reading

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The AP’s moral equivalency problem

See if you can figure out what AP’s moral equivalency problem is. An Israel-Hamas truce has boiled down to a simple tradeoff: For a day of calm, Israel adds five truckloads of cows and 200 tons of cement to its … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Gaza, Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 2 Comments

Israel’s surrender, cont’d.

The terms of the truce are clear. Hamas is to stop all attacks from Gaza. No more mortars, no more kassams, no more attempts to kill Israelis. In return, Israel opens the crossings and sends in more goods. Hamas keeps … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, palestinian politics, Terrorism | Tagged | 2 Comments

Authority without accountibility

After Arafat died, a number of news articles appeared reporting on how pragmatic Hamas politicians were. The gist of the articles was that though Hamas was known as a terrorist organization, there was no denying that the politicians from Hamas … Continue reading

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Closing the crossings again

Another mortar, another truce violation, another pretend measure. The crossings are closed, but they’ll reopen, and the mortars will resume. Defense Minister Ehud Barak ruled Monday against the reopening of Israel’s goods crossings with Gaza on Tuesday, in wake of … Continue reading

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The AP: Hamas rockets are Israel’s fault

Our old buddy Ali Daragmeh, one of those unbiased AP reporters, had this to say about the reason for the violations of the truce by terrorists from Gaza: Three weeks ago, Israel and Palestinian militants in Hamas-ruled Gaza agreed to … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Hamas, Israel | Tagged | 1 Comment


Taking its cue from the NY Times that recently introduced “Op-classics,” the Washington Post is inaugurating a feature called “Re-posted.” (I like the name Op-Classics better, but the idea is still a good one.) Here’s the deal: This RePosted article … Continue reading

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Hamas pwned by Israeli hackers

A group of Israeli teenagers pwned a few terrorist websites. Izzadin Kassam’s site displayed a blank white screen and Hebrew text notifying of a technical error. The websites of Arab Israeli political party Balad, and left-wing activist groups ‘Hagada Hasmolanit’ … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Hamas, Israel, Terrorism | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

What ceasefire?

Rockets hit Israel again today. And from the PA’s very own Fatah terrorists. A Qassam rocket was fired Thursday afternoon from the Gaza Strip into Israel, exploding in an open area in Sderot’s industrial zone. There were no reports of … Continue reading

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Once more unto the breach

The NYT and Washington Post both reported on the recent breach of the ceasefire by Hamas. Though both papers included the reporting in articles about PM Olmert’s political maneuverings the Times did a superior job. The Washington Post left out … Continue reading

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Good Government Terrorists

Barry Rubin writes about They’re Dictators and Terrorists But What Clean Streets!, after outlining the failures of Fatah, Prof. Rubin lays out the secrets of Hamas’s success. As for Hamas, it possesses three key weapons. The mainstream appeal of extremism … Continue reading

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Israel’s slow defeat

Ehud Olmert is presiding over Israel’s slow defeat by her enemies. What else can you call a situation when a country refuses to fight back when terrorists attack her? And not just refuses, but tells the enemy that she will … Continue reading

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Israel’s unacknowledged terror victims

The current AP boilerplate for Gaza is as follows: The Egyptian-brokered deal aims to end a year of violence that has killed more than 400 Palestinians, including dozens of civilians, and seven Israelis in a bloody cycle of Palestinian rocket … Continue reading

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Rockets hit Sderot, truce broken again

The truce is broken for the third time. The first was Hamas’ refusal to end smuggling. The second was a mortar fired early this morning. And now rockets are being fired at Sderot. Ceasefire shattered? Residents of Israel’s south were … Continue reading

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No [blank] Tony

From Ethan Bronner’s Israel in the Season of Dread: Mr. Sara’s use of the word “calm” (“regiah” in Hebrew) was telling. No one quite knows what to call the current accord. Many use the Arabic word “tahadiya,” which is what … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged | 2 Comments