Category Archives: Hamas

Time for another kick at Karl Vick

Remember back in November, when Time’s Israel expert, Karl Vick, wrote these words? Pay attention to the words in boldface. But what if Abbas is holding still, and Hamas is moving closer to Abbas? That’s what’s been happening, from nearly … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Friday pre-three-day weekend briefs

Religious Jews tell the Beit Shemesh nutjobs off:’s editors wrote a great letter about the jerks who spit on a little girl who wasn’t dressed they way they wanted her to be dressed. How dare you call yourself a … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Hamas, Jews, Media Bias, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Tuesday post-holiday weekend briefs

Back at work, and not loving it? Yeah, me too. Of course they are: The Muslim Brotherhood is over the moon about their offshoot, Hamas. Why the love? Because Hamas is succeeding in getting the world to bend to its … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Celebrating Christmas in Gaza and Israel

The Guardian is waking up to the fact that Gaza is ruled by an Islamic theocracy that doesn’t allow the dhimmis within its midst to celebrate their religion. There hasn’t been a Christmas tree in Gaza City’s main square since … Continue reading

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Friday morning crazy weekend briefs

Reaping the storm: They sowed the whirlwind. Bashar al-Assad bankrolled plenty of suicide bombers in Baghdad. Now he has them in his own backyard. We should start a countdown clock for The Fall of the Dorktator. And the spin begins: … Continue reading

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Thursday AYFKM?! briefs

The U.N. General Assembly confirms that it is a nest of despicable human beings: The United Nations General Assembly approved the request for a moment of silence in honor of the passing of Kim Jong-il, a mass murderer who may … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israel, United Nations | 1 Comment

Wednesday briefly briefs

Awesome. Talk about grist for the ZOG mills: Israel’s Home Front Defense Minister says that the U.S. and Israel are on the same page regarding Iran. Well, when American Jews like Tom Friedman are using the Walt/Mearsheimer Israel Lobby tropes, … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, Syria, United Nations | Comments Off on Wednesday briefly briefs

Non-violent terrorism: It’s the new pundit thing

I’m starting to think that there’s a mirror image of the Zionist conspiracy theorists. For every nutjob and Jew-hater that thinks Jews are secretly controlling the world and responsible for all of its ills, there is a corresponding person–usually on … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias, palestinian politics | 1 Comment

Say, Karl Vick, does moderation include calling for war?

Say, Karl Vick, are you SURE Hamas is moderating? I’m thinking that Karl Vick (rhymes with “dick”) ((cf. Time Magazine’s infamous “Menachem Begin*” (rhymes with “Fagin”) issue)) is, well, wrong about Hamas becoming more moderate due to its dealings with … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Juvenile Scorn, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Tuesday afternoon briefs

Keep it up, you’ll alienate the rest of America’s Jews: The IDF asked parents to “dress modestly” for a medics graduation ceremony. I have a lot of tolerance for the religious. I have no tolerance for those that would relegate … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Israeli Double Standard Time, Middle East, palestinian politics, Syria, United Nations | 8 Comments

Late Sunday briefs

Just in case you want to know what those “protesters” were doing: The AFP apparently caught a picture of the Palestinian who was killed after being hit by a tear gas canister during Friday’s “protest”. Check out the large chunks … Continue reading

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Cause, effect, and media bias

If Israel does not kill terrorists, terrorists fire rockets into Israel. Israel then kills terrorists, and the media blame Israel for keeping up “the cycle of violence.” If Israel pre-emptively strikes terrorists who are about to launch attacks on Israel, … Continue reading

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Wednesday finally got around to them briefs

Seriously? Seriously? SERIOUSLY? The Dorktator is disavowing having any control over his own armed forces–you know, the ones that are torturing and murdering children. Here’s the best bit of the interview: “We don’t kill our people … no government in … Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Syria, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Sunday afternoon briefs

Hamas is fleeing the fall of Damascus: The rats are fleeing the sinking ship. Hamas has pulled most of its staff out of Damascus. This is excellent news. A terror organization in disarray is a terror organization that is hampered … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Middle East, Syria | 1 Comment

The myth of the moderate Islamists and the blind eyes of the media

The mainstream media, aided largely by politicans, have been flogging the myth of the moderate Islamists, which is exactly what the Brotherhood wants them to do. Because if the media lie for them, they don’t have to. And if they … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Hamas, Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments